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Bitcoin (BTC)

Replay : « Bitcoin, meilleur actif financier de tous les temps ? »

Table ronde autour de la formation du prix du bitcoin lors de la conférence Surfin’Bitcoin le 26 août 2021. « Véritable outsider, Bitcoin est à la fois un actif financier hors norme et en même temps le meilleur placement qui puisse être si l’on en croit les chiffres […]. Mais, qu’en est-il réellement ? Est-ce bien un actif de long-terme et comment évaluer Bitcoin par rapport aux actifs traditionnels tant ses caractéristiques le place hors de leur portée ? » Avec : Nicolas...

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Bitcoin Price Analysis: BTC Enters Near-Term Pullback, Is Local Bottom Found?

BTC’s recent 46% rally from the lows at $39.6k has been very impressive as prices pushed above $50k, the September high at $52.9k, with higher highs being made. The above further validates the completion of the bear trap down to $39.6k. Bitcoin has been finding initial resistance as anticipated in the $57.1k to $58.3k, a major zone of technical and on-chain resistance. Chart by TradingViewThe $50k to $58.3k zone includes many buyers from earlier this year who acquired Bitcoin...

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Miami’s Mayor Opposes Jamie Dimon, Says Bitcoin Is Definitely Not Worthless

Francis Suarez strongly disagreed with Jamie Dimon’s opinion that bitcoin is “worthless.” The primary cryptocurrency has intrinsic value, while its underlying blockchain technology is “the most secure, most decentralized blockchain on the planet,” the Mayor said. Suarez Vs. Dimon Miami’s Mayor – Francis Suarez – and JPMorgan Chase’s CEO – Jamie Dimon – are, by all means, in the opposite corners when opining about the merits of bitcoin. While the top politician is one of the...

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Cambridge Data: The US Has Become the Leader for Bitcoin Hash Rate

The consequences of the Chinese ban on anything crypto, including mining, have led to a massive flippening as the USA has surpassed China in terms of Bitcoin hash rate share, showed recent data. The Demise of the Chinese Hash Rate Empire Although bitcoin and the rest of the cryptocurrency industry have been banned within China’s borders for almost as long as they exist, the country was responsible for the majority of the BTC hash rate for a long time. In fact, no other nation...

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Grand Angle Crypto : Entretien avec Yorick de Mombynes

« Lors de notre dernière entrevue qui date du mois de juillet, Yorick de Mombynes avait souligné le point crucial sur lequel nous devons tous nous entendre à propos de Bitcoin. L’innovation de Satoshi Nakamoto est certes grandiose et pleine de promesse, mais nous n’en sommes qu’au début, à la préhistoire de la future révolution monétaire qui s’annonce – et qui a déjà commencé. De quoi nourrir les fantasmes des uns et les craintes des autres. Toujours est-il que Bitcoin s’est de...

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Earn Passive Income Cloud Mining with USDminer

Mining cryptocurrencies is one of the best ways to make money in the cryptocurrency industry. However, mining profitable cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum can be expensive since it requires high-end computing machines. Also, the cost of maintaining these machines is immense and beyond the reach of the average crypto lover. This is why cloud mining has become popular, as it offers crypto enthusiasts the opportunity to mine cryptocurrencies while paying a fraction...

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Tron (TRX) Price Analysis: Rally Could Restart Above $0.10

Tron price is forming a base above the $0.0920 zone against the US Dollar. TRX price is now trading below $0.1000 and the 55 simple moving average (4-hours). There was a break below a major ascending channel with support near $0.0990 on the 4-hours chart (data feed via Bitfinex). The pair could start a major increase if there is a clear break above the $0.1000 resistance. TRON price remained well bid above $0.0880 against the US Dollar, similar to bitcoin. TRX price is...

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QuadrigaCX: Netflix verfilmt die Jagd auf den Crypto King

Vor einigen Jahren ging eine kanadische Bitcoin-Börse offline. War es ein Exit Scam? Vielleicht, denn der CEO dieser Bitcoin-Börse verstarb unter ominösen Umständen. Ein Verdacht auf betrügerische Aktivitäten liegt nah. Und bei soviel Geld fragt sich bis heute ganz Kanada, wo sind diese Bitcoins geblieben? Denn andere Vermögenswerte besass die kanadische Bitcoin-Börse praktisch nicht. Gemäss Recherchen sollen sich die Bitcoins, welche tausenden von...

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Bitcoin Price Analysis: BTC Remains Supported Above $54K

Bitcoin price started a fresh increase above the $50,000 resistance against the US Dollar. The price is now trading above $52,000 and the 55 simple moving average (4-hours). There is a key bullish trend line forming with support near $55,250 on the 4-hours chart of the BTC/USD pair (data feed from Coinbase). The pair is showing positive signs and it could continue to rise above the $56,500 level. Bitcoin price is gaining pace above $50,000 against the US Dollar. BTC...

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Nouvel ajout à la liste des établissements français qui acceptent les paiements en bitcoins : Titanide, cigarettes électroniques haut de gamme, mods artisanaux fabriqués en France, atomiseurs, e-liquide et accessoires. « Depuis près de 10 ans, nous concevons et fabriquons à Saint-Etienne, en France, des dispositifs de vape hors du commun. Le titane, taillé dans la masse, assemblé et fini à la main en respectant un savoir-faire...

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