Nearly half of the UK residents aged between 18 and 29 admitted that their first investment was in digital assets. However, more than 50% of the youngsters used debt to purchase cryptocurrencies. Crypto is Attractive for The Young Britons A recent poll conducted by Opinium for the investment platform Interactive Investor revealed that 45% of 18-29-year-olds in the UK dived into the crypto market as a first-time investment in their lives. Out of all digital assets, bitcoin is...
Read More »Michael Wu: Bitcoin May Need to Drop Further to Attract Institutions Again
Bitcoin has been tanking hard as of late, but according to financial analyst Michael Wu, this presents several benefits that investors are not seeing. Michael Wu: Institutions May Get Involved Again if BTC Falls Further In recent months, bitcoin hit its highest position yet and was trading for approximately $64,000 per unit. This feat was accomplished in mid-April, though since then, the currency has fallen and lost about half that value, marking one of the biggest drops...
Read More »Coinstar Customers in Connecticut Can Use Loose Change to Buy BTC
Coinstar customers in Connecticut now have the option of purchasing bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Coinstar Is Bringing Bitcoin to the Masses Typically, those big green machines one sees in the corners of supermarkets and grocery stores allow a person to bring in all their loose change and trade it for paper bills. Now, however, these machines are permitting customers to exchange those coins for digital currencies, suggesting just how big and popular the space has...
Read More »TikTok Bans Cryptocurrency-Related Ads
Crypto influencers will no longer be allowed to promote crypto projects on TikTok after the popular social network released new guidelines on Friday. TikTok Bans Crypto Ads Updating its Brand Content Policy, TikTok noted that all the following forms of financial services and products are now banned from the social media platform: cryptocurrencies, trading platforms, pyramid schemes, “get rich quick” schemes, credit cards, loans, and some others. According to recent reports,...
Read More »TikTok verbietet Werbung für Cryptocoins
In dieser Woche hat TikTok seine Nutzungsbedingungen aktualisiert. Die Neuerungen im Bereich „Branded Content“ umfassen Dienstleistungen und Produkte im Finanzbereich, wodurch das Thema Werbung für Cryptocoins auf der Plattform zum Problem werden könnte. Crypto News: TikTok verbietet Werbung für CryptocoinsWerbung für „Financial Services and Products” ist derzeit erlaubt, zumindest wenn der Nutzer, der diese Werbung sieht, älter als 18 Jahre ist. Werbung für Cryptocoins und digitale Assets...
Read More »Cryptomonnaies, Finance Décentralisée : vers une révolution financière ?
Conférence d’Alexandre Stachtchenko, Directeur Blockchain & Cryptos chez KPMG France dans le cadre du Swissquote Trading Day 2021 qui s’est déroulé le jeudi 24 juin 2021 au SwissTech Convention Center de l’École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne.
Read More »Bitcoin Futures Funding Rates Are Negative After May’s Crash: The Longest Period Since March 2020
On-chain data suggests that the bullish enthusiasm among bitcoin investors has been slashed, alongside its price. Even while the price has stabilized itself within the $30-35k range for weeks now, funding rates have been consistently negative for that entire time, indicating that investors don’t expect the price to return to its former highs anytime in the next short-term, at least judging by this metric. What are Funding Rates in the Bitcoin and Crypto Perpetuals? Due to the...
Read More »Against The Sentiment: AXS Skyrockets 55% to New ATH as Axie Infinity’s Income Surge
While Bitcoin remains price bound and Tether borrowing rates are declining, NFT sales went parabolic in the first half of 2021, and some continue to thrive in a place of mainstream cryptocurrencies. The NFT marketplace is currently being dominated by a token related to the online game Axie Infinity, known as Axie Infinity Shards. The Axie Infinity platform. Source: AXS websiteDemand for Axie Infinity Shards Axie Infinity Shards (AXS) has increased almost 400% in price in less...
Read More »Bitcoin Deutschland: Ab sofort dürfen Fonds in Digitale Währungen wie Bitcoin investieren
Stenografen dokumentieren eine Rede der Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel im Deutschen Bundestag. Foto: CC 3.0 by Tobias Koch, Wikipedia Aufsichtsbehörden erlauben Fonds-Investitionen in Krypto: Institutionelle Fonds können ab sofort Teile ihres Portfolios in Krypto-Investments anlegen. Dies ist nach einer Neuregelung der deutschen Aufsichtsbehörden möglich und soll die...
Read More »UBS Bank warnt Kunden vor Bitcoin-Blase
Ein Foto aus dem Jahr 1912 vom Gebäude des Schweizer Bankvereins an der Bahnhofstrasse 44 (Heute UBS AG). Foto: Gemeinfrei / Public Domain Der Bankkonzern UBS hat eine Warnung vor der Bitcoin-Blase ausgesprochen. Die UBS Bank warnt vor einem Platzen der Blase und sieht vor allem zunehmende Regulierungsmassnahmen als treibenden Faktor. Auch andere Konzerne schliessen sich der...
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