Hey Informanten, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 912. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Gefahr für Krypto durch neues Anti-Verschlüsselungsgesetz, Bitcoin Preis Explosion wäre ein Disaster & Ansturm auf Österreichs zweite 100-jährige Anleihe. [embedded content] 1.) Auch Krypto in Gefahr? Neues Anti-Verschlüsselungsgesetz richtet sich gegen WhatsApp und...
Read More »Bitcoin Cash Analysis: $225 Support Holds The Key In Near-Term
Bitcoin cash price started a fresh decline from the $245 resistance against the US Dollar.The price broke the $235 support and revisited the $225 support zone.There is a major bearish trend line forming with resistance near $241 on the 4-hours chart of the BCH/USD pair (data feed from Coinbase).The pair remains at a risk of more downsides if there is a daily close below the $225 support.Bitcoin cash price is trading in a bearish zone and testing the $225 support against the US Dollar. BCH/USD...
Read More »Un don de 150 000 dollars pour BTCPay Server
Après le don 100 000 dollars de L’exchange OKCoin le mois dernier, c’est aujourd’hui la plateforme Kraken qui affiche son soutien au processeur de paiement open source BTCPay Server avec une subvention de 150 000 dollars. « Nous étions sur la lune quand nous avons découvert l’email de Jesse Powell dans notre boîte de réception. Dans ce courriel, en plus d’un bref « nous aimerions vous soutenir »,...
Read More »OASIS – Atomic swaps crypto/euro
D’ici la fin de l’année vous devriez pouvoir acheter des bitcoins par virement bancaire, en une minute, sans risque et sans KYC. C’est ce que promet Team Nimiq grâce à sa technologie OASIS. OASIS ? Le framework OASIS (pour Open Asset Swap Interaction Scheme) inventé par Nimiq permet de potentiellement réaliser un atomic swap avec n’importe quel type d’actif traditionnel. Ce framework en cours de développement sera totalement ouvert,...
Read More »Where will Bitcoin Miners Be Once All Units Are Extracted?
We’ve often heard about how much bitcoin is presently circulating throughout the financial markets. At the time of writing, about 18 million units of BTC have been extracted or mined since the currency was founded, which means that there are only about three million units left.Bitcoin Is Close to Being Fully MinedBitcoin is a finite currency. It cannot be continuously printed or developed the way fiat can, and analysts say there are only about 21 million bitcoin units available to the world....
Read More »SEBA Releases New Bitcoin Maturity Certificates for Investors
We would love it if all our investments went smoothly and brought us some sort of financial reward. For the most part, there is nothing guaranteed in the world of investing, but according to crypto-friendly financial institution SEBA, perhaps bitcoin investors can make some guaranteed interest here and there.SEBA Brings New BTC Product to the TableThe bank has announced the launch of a new bitcoin product that will allegedly allow investors to earn yield with all their crypto investments. The...
Read More »Trumps zweite Stimulus-Runde könnte Bitcoin beflügeln
US-Präsident Donald Trump hat in dieser Woche eine weitere Stimulus-Runde angekündigt. Erwartet wird, dass es erneut Schecks in Höhe von durchschnittlich 1.200 US-Dollar geben wird, mit denen die US-Bürger die Wirtschaft ankurbeln sollen. Bitcoin könnte davon profitieren.Bitcoin News: Trumps zweite Stimulus-Runde könnte Bitcoin beflügelnDas erste Stimulus-Paket wurde im Zusammenhang mit dem Coronavirus-Lockdown ausgeschüttet. Nicht jeder US-Bürger erhielt diesen, jedoch waren es letztlich...
Read More »Australians Can Now Pay for Bitcoin at Post Offices
Holger Arians believes the new payment option at Australian post offices will make some people feel more comfortable with buying crypto.Bitcoin.com.au and the Australian post have entered into a new partnership enabling Australians able to make payment for purchasing Bitcoin at post offices. In an announcement by the crypto firm, it is said that the partnership would allow their clients to be able to make payments for Bitcoin at over 3,500 Australian Post offices.The partnership primarily is...
Read More »Satoshi Claimant Craig Wright: Bitcoin In Grips of Communist Takeover
The man who claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto, Craig Wright, took to his blog this week to warn Bitcoin and cryptocurrency developers that “his” invention is not for communists.Wright bemoaned the current trend in the cryptocurrency space, which sees many coins launch with built-in developers funds or pre-mines. According to Wright, this is tantamount to a communist takeover, and simply places all of the risks on the purchaser of such coins – not the development teams themselves.Craig Wright: Dev...
Read More »Ethereum Price Analysis: ETH Sideways Action Around $230 Continues, Huge Move Coming Up?
Ethereum saw a slight price drop today as the coin falls from $250 into the $233 level.Luckily, Ethereum found support at the rising trend line as the buyers battle to remain above.Against Bitcoin, Ethereum is re-testing the strong resistance at 0.0253 BTC.Key Support & Resistance LevelsETH/USD:Support: $225, $215, $210.Resistance: $250, $265, $275.ETH/BTC:Support: 0.025 BTC, 0.0243 BTC, 0.0239 BTC.Resistance: 0.026 BTC, 0.0263 BTC, 0.0266 BTC.ETH/USD: Ethereum Returns To Trend Line...
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