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Bitcoin (BTC)

Problématiques liées à la déclaration en ligne des plus-values de cession d’actifs numériques

Le service des déclarations en ligne d’impôt sur les revenus 2019 a ouvert ce lundi 20 avril 2020, et on voit qu’en dépit de long mois de discussion et de préparation sur le sujet « crypto » au sein de l’administration fiscale, les problématiques sont toujours peu comprises. On peut déjà souligner l’absence, sur l’espace de déclaration en ligne, du formulaire n°3916-bis, qui permet la déclaration des comptes d’actifs numériques à...

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Diese Gründe sprechen für einen weiteren Abfall von Bitcoin SV

Bitcoin SV (BSV) konnte sich überraschend stabil halten. Überraschend, da der Markt insgesamt durch die Coronakrise nachgab und es bereits im Vorfeld starke Kontroversen um den BSV gab. Nun tauchen jedoch neben den fundamentalen auch noch technische Gründe auf, die für eine Kurskorrektur für den BSV-Preis sprechen.Crypto News: Diese Gründe sprechen für einen weiteren Abfall von Bitcoin SVDas fundamentale Problem ist, dass der Erfinder des BSV weiterhin behauptet Satoshi zu sein, aber diese...

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Change Of Heart? dForce Hacker Has Returned Most Assets To The Chinese DeFi Protocol

Just days after stealing $25 million from the Chinese DeFi protocol dForce, the attacker has returned almost all the funds. The unexpected events occurred after compelling transactions carrying several memos, contact email exchanges, and pleads from people. dForce Hacker Returns The Assets As Cryptopotato reported over the weekend, a hacker exploited the popular DeFi protocol – dForce Network. The attacker managed to drain all $25 million worth of crypto assets from its lending solution...

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Tron (TRX) Price Analysis: Bulls Protecting Crucial Support at $0.012

Tron price is facing an increase in selling below the $0.0135 resistance against the US Dollar.TRX price is likely to find a strong buying interest near the $0.0120 zone.There is a key bullish trend line forming with support near $0.0122 on the 4-hours chart (data feed via Bitfinex).The price could start a fresh increase to $0.0135 or dive towards the next support at $0.0105.TRON price is slowly showing a few bearish signs against the US Dollar, similar to bitcoin. TRX price must stay above...

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#865 Bitcoin (BTC) ist Narrengold, Facebook Calibra Expansion & Historischer Crash am Öl-Markt.

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 865. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Bitcoin (BTC) ist bloß Narrengold, Facebook Calibra sucht 50 Mitarbeiter in Dublin & Historischer Crash am Öl-Markt. [embedded content] 1.) US-Zentralbank: Bitcoin (BTC) ist bloß Narrengold! 2.) Facebook: Calibra sucht 50 neue Mitarbeiter in...

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Une simulation de déclaration de plus-values issues de la vente d’actifs numériques

La déclaration de plus-values issues de la vente d’actifs numériques est une opération complexe, surtout si les opérations réalisées sont nombreuses. Pour tenter d’y voir plus clair voilà une simulation proposée à titre informatif par le cabinet ORWL. Bob est un particulier ayant acheté et revendu des cryptomonnaies à titre occasionnel et n’ayant effectué un nombre limité d’opérations :...

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Reddit Joins Hands with ETH for Community Rewards Program

Reddit is introducing a new points system that could potentially give “good actors” Ethereum-based crypto rewards.Reddit Looks to Partner with EthereumWhat’s interesting about this story is that Reddit was once a longtime agent of bitcoin, the world’s number one cryptocurrency by market cap and the primary competitor to Ethereum, which stands as only the second most powerful cryptocurrency after BTC. However, the bitcoin subreddit appears to be deliberately ignoring the price of bitcoin in...

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Bitcoin Below $7,000, Clear Regulations Are Directly Related to BTC Price Volatility

On Monday, April 20, 2020, Bitcoin (BTC) price dropped below $7,000. The fall comes amid coronavirus pandemic as findings by new research shows that clear regulation has a direct effect on Bitcoin price volatility.Bitcoin (BTC) price has seen its talk and analysis sharply rise almost making some forget we are amidst a deadly coronavirus pandemic. With 2020 halving just around 3 weeks to go, its price is being monitored very closely, owing to the number of both retail and institutional...

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Binance Adds 1:1 Ontology-Pegged Asset to Binance Chain

Binance has launched a new crypto asset pegged 1:1 to Ontology called ONT-33D on its DEX using its new BEP2 standard. Binance plans to issue about 1.5 million ONT-pegged tokens and will continue to mint more in response to market demands. Binance’s Focus On Increasing Wrapped Assets Binance has recently focused on its DEX as one of the main core use cases of its Binance chain. The DEX currently boasts a trading volume of $400,730 over the past 24 hours. Binance could be taking a page out of...

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BTC-Intercepting Malware Uncovered On Ruby Gems

Crypto theft is quite common, and it’s no laughing matter. Recently, as many as 725 separate forms of malware were discovered on the Ruby Gems platform, which is typically used for downloading and offering Ruby programming language. The malware was widely designed to get in the way of bitcoin and crypto payments and potentially shift them over to wallets and addresses controlled by hackers.Malware Is Big… and DangerousIn all, there were more than 100,000 malware downloads, and all the...

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