As of late, many people have been questioning whether bitcoin qualifies as a “safe haven” asset. Some say no, considering it was not able to withstand the pressures caused by panic over the coronavirus.The Middle East Sees Bitcoin DifferentlyHowever, it looks like many traders and miners in the Middle East would disagree. Evidence suggests that bitcoin and other forms of crypto qualify as safe havens in these states, given they face tough economic conditions and sanctions brought on by the...
Read More »Bison App: Börse Stuttgart bietet den Bitcoin-Kauf für Personen aus 72 Nationen
Personen aus 72 Nationen können die BISON App herunterladen und nutzen, wenn sie ihren Hauptwohnsitz im Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum (EWR) + Schweiz haben. Personen aus 72 Nationen können die BISON App herunterladen und nutzen, wenn sie ihren Hauptwohnsitz im Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum (EWR) und Schweiz haben. BISON: Bitcoin-App der Börse Stuttgart hat bereits 60’000...
Read More »Ethereum Price Analysis: ETH Failed To Break Above Key-Resistance Level, New 2020 Lows Coming Soon?
After a 3-day recovery, Ethereum price continues its bearish momentumAgainst the US Dollar, Ethereum continued to struggle under the $140 markAgainst Bitcoin, ETH found weekly support (0.022 BTC) upon a mid-term trend line; however, the situation is fragileETH/USD: Ethereum Trades Under $140Key Resistance Levels: $140, $160, $180, $200Key Support Levels: $115, $100, $86, $80Last Thursday, we saw the heavy price movement that crashed Ethereum’s price to $86 following Bitcoin’s 40% daily...
Read More »Are Traders Losing Faith in Bitcoin?
The crashing and burning of bitcoin has left the currency in the dust, and many say they’re losing confidence in the asset, along with the industry that houses it.Bitcoin Has People Questioning Its AbilitiesAt the time of writing, bitcoin has steadied itself somewhat and is trading in the mid-$5,000 range. This is a massive fall from where it was just last month, when it was trading for more than $10,300. For the most part, bitcoin has lost about $3,000 in just the last week alone.The...
Read More »#CryptopiaFilm: Sign up for Online Acess
Five years after his first film, award-winning producer/director Torsten Hoffmann revisits the big brains and big egos behind Bitcoin and sets out to explore the evolution of the blockchain industry and its utopian ideas. Can this technology, designed to operate independent of trust and within a decentralized network, really provide a robust alternative to traditional banking and the Internet as we know it? Bitcoin has been called one of the most disruptive technologies of our...
Read More »Coronavirus: Polizei warnt vor Fake Shops
Screenshot des Fake-Shops "" Beispiel, wie der Fake-Shops "" im Internet dargestellt wird. Aus Angst vor dem Coronavirus werden aktuell medizinische Produkte wie Atemschutzmasken usw vermehrt gekauft, weshalb diese im stationären Handel und in Apotheken bereits vielerorts ausverkauft sind. Viele Online Shops bieten nun Masken zum verkauf an, wobei hier Vorsicht geboten ist. Einige dieser Shops sind...
Read More »5 Reasons Why Bitcoin Price Crashed Amid The Coronavirus Financial Crisis
Along with every other financial instrument led by the global stock markets, Bitcoin plummeted in the past two weeks following the worldwide spread of the coronavirus.Following their desire to see Bitcoin emerging as the next generation’s safe-haven asset, this latest severe Bitcoin plunge felt like a nightmare for many Bitcoiners.The following article will try to examine what led to the massive sell-off and will end in a little hope that Bitcoin might not have said its final word yet...
Read More »Coronavirus: Nvidia ruft Gamer und Bitcoin-Miner zum gemeinsamen Kampf gegen Covid-19 auf!
Coronavirus: Ein neues Netzwerk soll bei der Simulation der Faltstruktur von Proteinen helfen. Nvidia fordert die Besitzer von Gaming-PCs und Bitcoin-Miner auf, ihre Systeme im Kampf gegen COVID-19 einzusetzen. Im Prinzip jeden, der eine leistungsstarke Grafikkarte hat und damit Rechenleistung zur Verfügung stellen möchte. PC Gamers, let’s put those GPUs to work. Join us and...
Read More »5 Effective Ways to Secure Your Cryptocurrency
If you are keen on trading cryptos or enjoying the many benefits it brings to the financial world, you should learn to secure your assets. Here are 5 simple but effective ways to secure your cryptocurrency.While blockchain is often touted as the model of internet security, it doesn’t mean that all its systems are secure for the users. For instance, there are a few security risks associated with digital wallets, which many cryptocurrency investors don’t know. Security threats to digital...
Read More »Bitcoin Price Analysis: BTC’s 3-Day Consolidation Is Likely To End By Huge Move Very Soon
Bitcoin has tough days. The primary cryptocurrency had lost 40% of its value over the past four days.The fact that the price of Bitcoin is positively correlated with the global stock markets had been a surprise to many in the crypto community, who waited eagerly to see Bitcoin price exploding amid the emerging coronavirus financial crisis. After all, Bitcoin was born as alternative money following the recent financial crisis of 2008.Back to the price charts: the abnormal behavior that took...
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