Jordan Belfort ist kein grosser Fan von Bitcoin. Er verdient sein Geld mittlerweile mit dem Verkauf seiner Geschichte und als Redner. Es ist Herbst und somit die grosse Zeit der Kunstmessen. Und es sind nicht nur Bananen, die für aufregung sorgen. Eines der berühmtesten Fotos der Börsen-Hypes und Filmgeschichte wurde auf der Art Miami für sage und schreibe 200’000 US-Dollar...
Read More »solarisBank: Berliner Bank wird ab Januar Bitcoin Storage Lösung anbieten
Die Deutsche Bundesregierung hat das Geldwäschereigesetz angepasst und nun sind Bitcoin & Co. rechtssicher reguliert. Erstmals dürfen nun Banken Services rund um Bitcoin anbieten. Und die ersten Banken stehen in den Startlöchern: Die solarisBank hat die Gründung des Tochterunternehmens solaris Digital Assets bekannt gegeben. Die erste Deutsche Bank mit einer kompletten Bankenlizenz wendet sich nun...
Read More » Offers Buying Bitcoin in EUR Using Visa/Mastercard, an e-money exchange service, is constantly working on facilitating the process for exchange virtual digital currencies online. One of the most popular features for traders that the platform offers is an opportunity to buy BTC tokens against Visa/Mastercard EUR.On its website, BestChange has mentioned a list of exchanges offering these services to customers. One of the key features of the platform is the fast monitoring of real-time prices for electronic currencies. Moreover,...
Read More »#770 Nike patentiert ETH Schuh Token, China Kontrolle Bitcoin Hashrate & Griechenland Bargeldverbot
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 770. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Nike patentiert Schuh-Token auf Ethereum Blockchain, China kontrolliert 66% der Bitcoin Hashrate & Griechenland Bargeldverbot Überwachung [embedded content] 1.) Nike patentiert Schuh-Token auf Ethereum Blockchain 2.) Studie: Chinesische Bitcoin-Miner kontrollieren 66% der weltweiten...
Read More »Litecoin (LTC) Price Analysis: Primed For Downside Thrust
Litecoin price is sliding and it is now trading well below the $45.00 level against the US Dollar.LTC price is under pressure and it could struggle to recover above $44.00 and $45.00.There is a major bearish trend line forming with resistance near $44.80 on the 4-hours chart of the LTC/USD pair (data feed from Coinbase).The pair remains at a risk of more losses below the $42.80 and $42.50 levels in the near term.Litecoin price is showing a lot of bearish signs against the US Dollar and...
Read More »NYDFS Upgrades Its BitLincense Terms for Approval of New Cryptocurrencies
The New York Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) said that it will soon introduce changes and upgrade its virtual currency license famously known as BitLicense. In the cryptocurrency community, NYDFS is well-known for already having a strict set of rules setting the highest regulatory benchmark standards.On Wednesday, December 11, Superintendent Linda Lacewell announced that the regulator will modify rules for the approval process of new digital currencies. Under the existing set of...
Read More »Early Investor Files A $300M Lawsuit Against BitMEX
One of the most popular Bitcoin margin trading exchanges, BitMEX, and its founder, Arthur Hayes, are being sued as per a recent report. The case is for $300 million, and it has been brought up by an early investor, who says he has been stiffed by the company.Law Case Against BitMEX For $300 MillionAccording to a recent report, one of the leading Bitcoin margin trading exchanges, BitMEX, has been taken to court by an early investor. Frank Amato and RGB Coin LTD have filed the suit on December...
Read More »Kraken « cracke » le wallet KeepKey
Les équipes de recherche de la plateforme d’échange Kraken ont annoncé mardi avoir réussi à récupérer la clé privée d’un hardware wallet KeepKey. Pour ce faire, l’équipe a utilisé une technique appelée voltage glitching – claquage de tension – nécessitant un matériel d’une valeur d’environ 75 $ ainsi que quelques connaissances, comme l’explique la publication : « Cette attaque repose sur...
Read More »Napoleon Bitcoin Fund
Après le Tobam Bitcoin Fund, créé en novembre 2017 par la société parisienne de gestion d’actifs Tobam, c’est la société française Napoleon Asset Management annonce aujourd’hui la création du Napoleon Bitcoin Fund, un fonds professionnel spécialisé (FPS) de droit français exclusivement ouvert aux investisseurs institutionnels et professionnels. Ce nouveau fonds ne détiendra cependant aucun bitcoin et...
Read More »This Deceptive Bitcoin Signal May Trigger a Brutal Price Crash
The number of bitcoin traders going long on BTC is approaching an all-time high. That sounds bullish, but it’s actually an extremely bearish signal. Is the bitcoin price on the verge of another plunge? Bitcoin longs are nearing record highs on margin trading platforms like Bitfinex. The last time the number of long positions to reached this high, a fourth-month bear market followed, suggesting that another price crash may be on the horizon. The number of bitcoin long positions is growing at...
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