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Bitcoin (BTC)

Crypto Rating Council: Bitcoin-Börsen entwickeln gemeinsam Bewertungssystem für Token

CRC Securities Framework Asset Ratings Die Krypto-Börsen Coinbase, Kraken, Bittrex, Anchorage, Circle, DRW Cumberland, Genesis sowie Grayscale Investments haben zusammen ein Punktesystem für Token herausgebracht. Dieses soll anzeigen, ob und inwieweit eine Kryptowährung einem Wertpapier entspricht. Kryptowährungen – Aktien, Handelswaren oder Zahlungsmittel? Über die Frage, ob Kryptowährungen eher als Aktien, Handelswaren oder...

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Bitcoin Can Drop to Anywhere from $7,000 to $0 Say Experts

Bitcoin’s fall from grace over the last few days has emboldened bears to come out of hiding. Calls for a plunge to $7,000 and below are overwhelming social media channels. It appears that in one bearish push, all the hard work that the bulls put in this year has gone out of the window. The CIO of Redacted Capital sees bitcoin dropping by another 15%. | Source: TwitterTo get a better sense of where bitcoin is headed in the near-term, we asked several experts on what they think would be the...

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First Week Performance of Bakkt’s Bitcoin Futures Remains Disappointing

Last week, the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) launched its regulated Bitcoin Futures contracts. While there was a lot of buzz before the launch, Bakkt failed to make an impact on the market.The Bakkt futures contracts saw very lukewarm response from investors. With one week since its launch, the Bakkt futures contracts have just $5 million in total trading. Bakkt’s Bitcoin futures contracts come in two options – daily and monthly settlement. The daily contracts settlements have received an...

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Could Tether Be the World’s Most Used Cryptocurrency Ahead of Bitcoin?

What is the most used crypto in the world today? Many may think that it is Bitcoin since it accounts for over 67% of the digital-asset world’s market value. They could be wrong. Although dependable figures on trading volumes are rare to come by in the unpredictable crypto finance world, data shows some interesting reports.The token that has the highest daily and monthly trading volume is Tether that has a market capitalization that is over 30 times smaller than Bitcoin....

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Sequoia-Backed Band Protocol Enters DeFi With Ether-Denominated Binary Options

Photo: Band Protocol / MediumBand Protocol, Sequoia-backed data management company, has launched the mainnet of its decentralized trading app. The news follows Band Protocol’s announcement about going live on Ethereum mainnet.2/ Another key highlight today is the launch of BitSwing Mainnet, which represents a perfect example of dApps made possible with $BAND oracle.?Available now on:— Band Protocol (@BandProtocol) September 30, 2019Features of BitSwingCalled BitSwing,...

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Bitcoin Price Bottom Could Fall Far Beyond $7,700, Warns Trader

Despite the recovery of the bitcoin price by $700 in the past 48 hours, traders like DonAlt expect a deeper correction in the short term. The bitcoin price dropped to the $7,000 region twice in the past week, dipping to as low as $7,688 on September 30. While bitcoin attempted to break above important support levels following its recovery to $8,500, it has not been able to sustain upside momentum. Deeper correction possible for bitcoin From its yearly high at around $14,000, a pullback to...

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Bitcoin Price Analysis: Was $7,700 The Ultimate Bottom? Can BTC Reach $9,400 Soon?

After the bulls had been lately suffering, seeing Bitcoin plunging to $7,700, we started to see an opportunity for a price pull-back on our recent price analysis, three days ago.Following a decent daily move of $700 since reaching yesterday’s low, the question is, if that indeed was the real bottom. In short, we could identify a double-bottom formation which is bullish and can support the idea of bottoming.However, to confirm that, Bitcoin will have to show some more bullish evidence. As of...

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#718 Mark Cuban Bitcoin wertlos, SEC $24 Millionen Strafe für & Bitcoin Mining Farm brennt

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 718. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: Mark Cuban Bitcoin wertloser als Bananen, SEC $24 Millionen Strafe für & Bitcoin Mining Farm in China brennt ab. 1.) Kryptowährung wertloser als Sammelkarten? – Milliardär Mark Cuban rechnet ab 2.) SEC Reaches $24 Million Settlement With EOS Parent Firm...

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MMA Fighter Ben Askren Inspires Debate: Who Would Win Bitcoin vs. Gold Matchup?

MMA fighter and crypto aficionado Ben Askren has poured fuel onto the flames of the ever-raging argument between bitcoin and gold. Askren recently created a Twitter poll asking one simple question: If you were given $10,000 gift that you couldn’t touch for a decade, what would you rather the gift in – gold, bitcoin, or U.S. Treasury bonds?  Surprisingly, the results came in nearly exactly apportioned, with bitcoin gaining 50%, gold 41%, and, perhaps more predictably, U.S. Treasury bonds...

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« Blockchain et Retail » – avec Global P.O.S et ekino

« Beaucoup de questions se posent depuis l’annonce de Global P.O.S : quels impacts pour les acteurs du retail, comment cela fonctionnera-t-il ? Quelles ont été les contraintes techniques et fonctionnelles, et comment celles-ci ont été résolues ? Pour répondre à toutes ces questions, et comprendre l’étendue des possibilités de la blockchain dans le secteur du retail, Global P.O.S et ekino vous invitent à un meet-up le jeudi 3 octobre. En...

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