At the time of writing, Ethereum was trading close to 1% at its current price of $ 185, a slight increase from its $ 182 low yesterday.The recent volatility of the cryptography markets has led ETH price action of large exchange rate chains like Ethereum to form a close correlation with that of Bitcoin, which means that the aggregated market has plunged into a phase of lateral trading overtime in last days.The situation remains tense and with a clear downward movement of Ethereum prices,...
Read More »BTC Venture Lolli Makes CNBC’s Top 100 Startups List
Bitcoin rewards app Lolli has made a real name for itself.Lolli Is Moving Up the Financial LadderRecently, CNBC placed the company on its list of 2019 startups “to watch.” The list is comprised of approximately 100 new ventures and Lolli is the only one that has to do with bitcoin that seems to have made the cut. Could this be a sign that the currency and the industry surrounding it are about to become far more mainstream?The point of the list is to find companies that could be necessary for...
Read More »Mots « crypto-croisés » – Grille n°3
Remplissez la grille n°3 ci-dessous, postez-la au plus vite et recevez 0,0012 bitcoin si elle est exacte et si vous êtes le premier à l’envoyer. Le gagnant accédera à la clé privée et au QR code correspondant qu’il devra scanner au plus vite avec son « Bitcoin wallet » préféré afin de récupérer la mise. Vous pouvez vérifier la disponibilité de la prime en cliquant sur l’adresse Bitcoin située sous...
Read More »Entretien avec Laure de la Raudière
Députée engagée depuis 2007 sur les enjeux du numérique, Laure de la Raudière est co-présidente du groupe « cybersécurité et souveraineté numérique » et co-auteur, avec Jean-Michel Mis, d’un rapport d’information sur les usages de la blockchain. Interview réalisée le 5 novembre à l’Assemblée Nationale en collaboration avec le Journal du Coin.
Read More »Neuer Bitcoin-Automat im 7 DAY-SHOP Baden
Neuer Bitcoin-Automat im 7 DAY-SHOP Baden Einfach. Frisch. So lautet der Slogan der 7 DAY-SHOP GmbH. Ein möglichst unkompliziertes, angenehmes und rasches Einkaufserlebnis mit höchster Genussgarantie. Das ist es, was die im Franchisesystem geführten Shops ausmacht. Von früh bis spät auserlesene Waren einfach und bequem einkaufen können, ohne einen Qualitätsverlust an der...
Read More »US Presidential Hopeful Andrew Yang Plans to Regulate Cryptocurrencies at Federal Level
For the first time in the upcoming United States Presidential elections, a hopeful is paying attention to technology in general and cryptocurrencies in particular. Andrew Yang, who is planning to contest on the platform of the democratic party, has revealed plans to create a Federal Regulatory Agency for cryptocurrencies.He made this disclosure in a blog post which was published last week. He indicated the propensity for fraud within the crypto space due to a dearth of regulatory cover within...
Read More »SoftBank and Naver to Create a Joint Tech Giant in a Bid to Sidestep Competitors
Japanese multinational conglomerate holding company SoftBank has announced its decision to unite its search engine Yahoo Japan with a popular chatting app Line owned by Naver Corp. Within the agreement, Yahoo Japan and Line will merge and create a joint business to develop new opportunities for protecting themselves against competitors.According to the announcement, SoftBank and Naver will each hold 50% of a new holding company that will operate both Line and Z Holdings (Yahoo Japan’s...
Read More »Bakkt Plans to Widen Its Services with Consumer App
Bakkt, the physically-backed Bitcoin Futures contracts company recently confirmed that they are testing their consumer app for retail crypto traders. Allegedly dubbed Bakkt Pay, the app, they said they plan to increase the width of their area of services to a higher level. That includes focusing on putting the retail traders besides institution investors who are already the users of the Bakkt services in its futures trading.BREAKING!Bakkt testing consumer app in preparation for imminent lauch...
Read More »China Moves from US Dollar to Other Assets Including Gold
It seems China finally decided to cut some ties to the world’s largest reserve currency – United States dollar, at least if it’s to believe the analysts’ prognoses.The biggest and most obvious reason is the ongoing trade war between the two countries said ANZ Research in their recent report. US delisting Chinese companies’ stocks from its market – surely hasn’t helped as well. That is why, ANZ predicts, Beijing decided to diversify its foreign exchange reserves into other currencies as...
Read More »Crypto Market Heading Northwards, Bitcoin Price Remains Calm Around $8600 Levels
After a poor drag down last week, the overall cryptocurrency market is showing signs of mild recovery today. While the crypto markets are eyeing a northward journey, Bitcoin still looks hesitant to take the lead.Last week, Bitcoin took a hit as the BTC price first slipped below $9000 and later even below its crucial support at $8700. Now, at press time, Bitcoin is trading at $8641.61 with a market cap of $156 billion. While Bitcoin has been showing a mild response to the market recovery, some...
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