An analyst found that major downturns tend to be healthy for the overall bitcoin price trend. Another analyst explains that 2019 may be a good year for BTC. | Source: ShutterstockMany armchair traders are so focused on the short-term price movement of bitcoin that they forget to look at the big picture. For instance, the widely-followed analyst cryptoamd is expecting the dominant cryptocurrency to dump below $10,000 and then be tapping resistance of $10,500. That’s the trader’s short-term...
Read More »Bitcoin Price Saturday Spiral Tramples on Short-Term $12,000 Breakout
Bitcoin price fell sharply on Saturday after failing to break beyond $11,000. | Source: ShutterstockThe bitcoin price abruptly dropped by more than five percent $10,949 to $10,204 in the past 24 hours at a point which technical analysts described as a critical moment for bitcoin.The bitcoin price has dropped by more than $500 overnight against the USD (source: the bitcoin price initially made its way to $10,900, traders anticipated the dominant cryptocurrency to break...
Read More »Greedy Hackers Get ZERO from U.S. City after Moronic $5.3 Million Bitcoin Ransom Demand
Ransomware extortionists get counter-offered to zero. | Source: ShutterstockWhen ransomware attackers targeted the city of New Bedford, Massachusetts, two months ago demanding $5.3 million in Bitcoin, they must have felt very confident when turning down a counter-offer of $400,000 that the city presented. That feeling probably turned to regret soon thereafter as it has now emerged that the U.S. city did not bid up.According to Mayor Jon Mitchel, instead of offering more, the city decided to...
Read More »PwC Luxembourg accepting Bitcoin payments from its clients as from 1 October 2019
PwC Luxembourg is stepping further into blockchain and crypto-assets by accepting Bitcoin payments from its clients as from 1 October 2019, in a move acknowledging the needs of clients and the willingness of the Luxembourgish Firm to support the growing national crypto ecosystem. Understanding the game, playing by its rules Bitcoin is now ten years old and went through a very public rollercoaster-life cycle over the years since its inception. In it relatively short history it has gone from...
Read More »PwC Luxembourg accepting Bitcoin payments from its clients as from 1 October 2019
Turning words into actions: PwC Luxembourg embraces crypto-payments PwC Luxembourg is stepping further into blockchain and crypto-assets by accepting Bitcoin payments from its clients as from 1 October 2019, in a move acknowledging the needs of clients and the willingness of the Luxembourgish Firm to support the growing national crypto ecosystem. Understanding the game, playing by its rules Bitcoin is now ten years old and went through a...
Read More »Bitcoin für den Regenwald: Rainforest Foundation setzt auf Kryptos
Die Rainforest Foundation bittet um Spenden via Bitcoin, Ether oder Litecoin. Zum Schutze des Regenwalds, der aktuell von zahlreichen Waldbränden heimgesucht wird, können Interessierte nun auch via Blockchain Geld spenden. Erst am 4. September hatte sich die Rainforest Foundation an die Blockchaincommunity gewandt und um Hilfe im Kampf gegen die Entwaldung des Regenwalds gebeten. Laut des Blog-Posts, der auf der Webseite der Stiftung zu finden ist, habe die Abholzung im...
Read More »Bitcoin für den Regenwald: Rainforest Foundation setzt auf Kryptos
Bitcoin für den Regenwald: Wie die Rainforest Foundation berichtet, arbeitet sie bereits seit Mai 2014 an einer eigenen Kryptowährung namens BitSeeds. Die Rainforest Foundation bittet um Spenden via Bitcoin, Ether oder Litecoin. Zum Schutze des Regenwalds, der aktuell von zahlreichen Waldbränden heimgesucht wird, können Interessierte nun auch via Blockchain Geld spenden. Erst am 4. September hatte sich die Rainforest Foundation an die...
Read More »La clé USB de Jean-Philippe Toussaint
Publié aux Editions de minuit, La clé USB, dernier roman de Jean-Philippe Toussaint, a pour toile de fond la blockchain, Bitcoin et l’industrie du minage chinoise. Extraits : « Le colloque international “Blockchain & Bitcoin prospects” auquel je devais participer était prévu de longue date. J’avais été invité à intervenir comme expert européen lors de la deuxième journée de ce colloque qui devait se tenir à l’International Forum de...
Read More »Lyon : Meetcoin pour Débutants
« Le prochain Meetcoin de Lyon aura lieu le lundi 9 septembre 2019 à 19h30. Ce meetup est gratuit et destiné aux débutants n’ayant pas ou peu de connaissances.Au programme :– Une présentation de la technologie Blockchain– Fonctionnement des cryptomonnaies (bitcoin, ethereum…)– Utilisation des crypto-monnaies.Pendant et après cette présentation, nous répondrons à toutes vos interrogations sur la...
Read More »Tandoori House, restaurant indien à Montrouge
[Total : 1 Moyenne : 5/5] Nouvel ajout à la liste des établissements qui acceptent les paiements en bitcoins et autres cryptomonnaies : Tandoori House, Restaurant halal de spécialités Indiennes et Pakistanaise à Montrouge. » « Tandoori House vous propose une large gamme de choix de plats au détail en menu ou à volonté. » Adresse : 57 Avenue Pierre Brossolette, 92120 Montrouge Téléphone : 09 84 22...
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