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Bitcoin (BTC)

Liquid: Die Profi Bitcoin-Börse mit der schnellsten Benutzeroberfläche. Schon probiert?

Vor Jahr und Tag waren derartig professionelle Plattformen den Börsen-Cracks auf den Banken vorbehalten. Dank Bitcoin-Börsen wie Liquid steht professionelles Trading allen offen. Als Anfänger ist gegebenenfalls etwas Einarbeitung nötig, aber dann kann man Kryptowährungen handeln wie ein Profi. Das bietet die Bitcoin-Börse Liquid. Aber eines ist gewiss, handeln auf dieser schnell reagierenden Benutzeroberfläche ist etwas einzigartiges und macht...

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Honduras Establishes “Bitcoin Valley” to Boost Tourism

Central America and bitcoin continue to be like two peas in a pod. Initially, the trend of Central America accepting and using bitcoin like it was actual money began with El Salvador in 2021. The country was the first to declare BTC legal tender and it hasn’t looked back. Now, the neighboring region of Honduras – while not going as far as to declare bitcoin money – is using the world’s number one digital currency to attract tourism through what it’s calling “Bitcoin...

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$80 Billion Gone From Crypto Markets as Bitcoin Dumped to 6-Week Low

After the recent stagnation, bitcoin finally began moving and dumped to a six-week low beneath $20,000. Most altcoins are deep in the red as well. Ethereum is down to $1,500, while SOL, ADA, and AVAX have declined by up to 8% in a day. Bitcoin Dipped Below $20K Last week was particularly harmful to the primary cryptocurrency, which dumped from $25,200 to $21,000 in a matter of days. Since that enhanced volatility, the asset calmed and spent most of the following days trading...

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Surfin’Bitcoin – Programme de la journée du 27 août

Les thématiques du jour : MINAGE & ÉNERGIE (matin), TECH & TOOLS (après-midi). Les conférences se déroulant dans la salle Ledger s’adressent au grand public, celles de la salle Stackinsat sont davantage à destination des experts et des professionnels du secteur. Le programme complet est disponible sur l’application Surfin Bitcoin 2022 (Play store – App store). 9h00 – Besoin énergétique du bitcoin par layer avec Nicolas Cantu,...

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$400M in Liquidations Daily as Bitcoin Dipped Below $20K

Bitcoin only intensified its recent price drops by slumping to just under $20,000 for the first time in about six weeks. The alternative coins suffer, too, leading to almost $400 million in liquidations from over-leveraged traders. CryptoPotato reported the relatively stable price movements from bitcoin in the past week or so. After falling by $4,000 in the previous week, BTC spent most of this one around the $21,000 mark. It challenged $22,000 a few days ago but to no...

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Senators Strive for No Taxes on Small Crypto Transactions

A handful of lawmakers in the U.S. are pushing to do away with crypto taxes on small transactions. Will Crypto Taxes Become a Thing of the Past? Right now, capital gains taxes are required on all crypto transactions that garner profits for their owners. Let’s say you buy $100 worth of bitcoin. You hold onto it for some time and that $100 eventually becomes $1,000. You then sell the BTC. You’ve made $900 in profit through that transaction, and you’ll likely owe taxes to...

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Jerome Powell Speech, Merge Updates, and Bitcoin’s Choppy Price Action: The Week’s Crypto Recap

The past seven days were relatively unproductive in the cryptocurrency markets – at least in terms of price development, but this doesn’t mean there wasn’t volatility. The total capitalization seems to be hanging by a thread slightly above the coveted mark of $1 trillion. This time last week, Bitcoin was trading at around $21,700 but quickly retraced below $21,000. The price spent quite some time battling with this area, and it appears that even until this moment, there’s no...

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Bitcoin Volatility Amplifies as Fed Chair Speaks at Jackson Hole

Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell spoke about FOMC’s future goals at the annual Jackson Hole symposium on Friday. He said that FOMC’s overarching directive remains to bring inflation back down to 2%, which “will likely require maintaining a restrictive policy stance for some time.”  After a preliminary pump, Bitcoin’s price swung wildly following his comments. Trading at $21,234 at 12:30 UST on Friday, Bitcoin quickly pumped to $21,819 by 13:05 UST – just an hour before...

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Is $20K Inbound for Bitcoin Following an 8% Weekly Decline? (BTC Price Analysis)

Bitcoin’s price appears to be preparing for another bearish move after a lengthy period of consolidation between the $20K and $24K levels. With the current price action, a new low is not out of the picture. Technical Analysis By: Edris The Daily Chart Looking at the daily chart, the price has been consolidating at a very tight range over the last few days. This occurred after a rejection from the $24K level and the 100-day moving average. The price has also broken below the...

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Bitcoin Jumped a Bit Following Easing of Recession Fears

Bitcoin – along with several other leading digital currencies like Ethereum, Cardano, and Solana – rose quite a bit in recent weeks and was trading for just over $24,000. Many analysts assumed that $25,000 was right around the corner. Bitcoin Has Jumped a Few Thousand Bucks There appear to be several reasons as to why bitcoin suddenly surged, a big one being that recession fears are starting to dwindle. There have been several worries permeating the financial space as of...

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