25 US-Dollar geschenkt: NEXO Wer in Bitcoin investiert, der kann vom Kursanstieg der Kryptowährung profitieren. Wie wäre es aber noch zusätzlich Zinsen ausgezahlt zu bekommen? Bei Nexo sind bis zu 18 % zu erzielen. Risiken können jedoch nicht ganz ausgeschlossen werden. Nexo: Zinsen auf das Bitcoin Invest Die Firma Nexo operiert seit April 2018 fast wie eine Bitcoin Börse, auf der man Kryptos kaufen und verkaufen kann. Der Clou ist jedoch, dass es...
Read More »LUNA Collapses Below $16 as TerraUSD Remains Unpegged
Terra (LUNA)’s price collapse from Monday continues, now tracing down beneath $16 per coin. Meanwhile, the network’s dollar-pegged stablecoin TerraUSD (UST) continues trading at just $0.8, far below its intended $1.00 value peg. LUNA trades at just $15.84 at the time of writing, down 63.13% in the past 24 hours, and 80.74% over the week. The cryptocurrency doubly serves as a governance token for the Terra blockchain, and the reserve asset made to preserve the stability of its...
Read More »Our Ambition is to Become the Amazon of Crypto: Interview with Coinbase’s Guillaume Chatain
After spending almost a decade working for the Wall Street behemoth – JPMorgan Chase & Co – Guillaume Chatain took the leap towards blockchain and crypto, where he helped establish a regulated digital broker-dealer. As of now, he is the Head of EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa) Sales at the leading US-based cryptocurrency exchange – Coinbase – a position which he occupies for over a year. From JP Morgan to Coinbase: The Future of Finance Chatain made a huge...
Read More »Townsquare Media Purchased $5 Million in Bitcoin During Q1 2022
Townsquare Media (NYSE: TSQ) – a New York-based radio network and media company – revealed that it purchased $5 million in Bitcoin during Q1 2022 in a recent SEC filing. It claims to believe in the “long-term potential” of Bitcoin – despite being down on its current investment. The filing explains that the company had purchased $5 million in Bitcoin before March 31st of 2022. Its coins are secured through third part custodial services. That said, the Townsquare acknowledges...
Read More »AMC CEO Reveals the Total of Crypto Payments Made in Q1
Adam Aron – CEO of AMC Theatres – revealed that cryptocurrencies and other digital payment methods accounted for more than a third of the online payments for the company during Q1, 2022. The largest movie theatre chain in the world accepts several digital assets, including Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dogecoin, and Shiba Inu. AMC’s Decision to Embrace Crypto Labeled a Success Last year, the entertainment firm jumped into the digital asset ecosystem by allowing...
Read More »New Chain Bytes Establishes Bitcoin ATM in Mexican Senate
Bitcoin ATM provider Chain Bytes has set up a new machine in the Mexican Senate building. The company is working with bitcoin ATM manufacturer Axolotl Bitcoin to establish the machine’s presence and lead the efforts of Mexican Senator Indira Kempis as a means of establishing bitcoin as official legal tender within the country’s borders. Chain Bytes Establishes Bitcoin ATM for Mexican Lawmakers Eric Grill – the CEO of Chain Bytes – explained in a recent interview: We are...
Read More »MicroStrategy Gives Lowest Possible Bitcoin Price to Require Maintenance Collateral
With Bitcoin’s price on the decline, rumors have buzzed about whether MicroStrategy risks getting liquidated on its $205 million Silvergate loan. On Tuesday, company CEO Michael Saylor cleared the air on how much collateral that loan requires, and how much breathing room they have. MicroStrategy’s Bitcoin Loan As Saylor clarified over Twitter, the loan requires maintenance collateral worth $410 million to stay active – which is twice the value of the loan itself....
Read More »LE PARADIGME BITCOIN – Neuchâtel – 24 juin 2022
Le paradigme Bitcoin est une manifestation organisée par la communauté Bitcoin neuchâteloise en collaboration avec l’Université de Neuchâtel. Quand ? – Vendredi 24 juin 2022 Où ? – à Neuchâtel (Suisse) Programme Début de matinée : Rencontre entre les industriels locaux avec des entrepreneurs Bitcoin, organisée par la Chambre neuchâteloise du Commerce et de l’Industrie. Activité privée sur...
Read More »BFM Crypto : Le règlement européen MICA pourrait aboutir rapidement
« Ce mardi 10 mai, Vincent Ganne, analyste technique indépendant, Xavier Fenaux, associé chez Interactiv Trading, Valentin Demé, journaliste chez Cryptoast, et Faustine Fleuret, présidente de l’ADAN, se sont penchés sur la possibilité d’un aboutissement rapide du règlement européen MICA, dans BFM Crypto, le Club dans l’émission BFM Bourse présentée par Guillaume Sommerer. »
Read More »Bitcoin Preis stürzt ab
Bereits zum Ende der letzten Woche gab es einen klaren Preisabsturz des BTC. Doch zu Beginn der Woche setzte sich der Trend fort und führte den Bitcoin sogar zwischenzeitlich wieder unter 30.000 US-Dollar. Der Support bröckelte, fand sich jedoch heute Morgen wieder bei knapp oberhalb von 30K. Bitcoin News: Bitcoin Preis stürzt abMit dem jüngsten Preisabsturz purzelte der Gesamtmarkt auf ungefähr 1,5 Billionen an Wert. Damit hat der Cryptomarkt insgesamt die Hälfte seines Wertes seit dem...
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