Le cabinet Garoé Avocats Associés animera le 25 mars prochain un webinaire sur la fiscalité des cryptomonnaies. « Une présentation de 30 minutes sur la fiscalité des cryptomonnaies sera dispensée par notre associée Maître Delphine Gallin, spécialiste en droit fiscal. Les participants auront la possibilité de poser toutes leurs questions durant les 30 minutes restantes. Nous souhaitons rendre le...
Read More »Bitcoin Cash Analysis: Bearish Signs Below $300
Bitcoin cash price started a fresh decline from the $320 resistance against the US Dollar. The price is now trading below the $300 zone and the 55 simple moving average (4-hours). There was a break below a key bullish trend line with support near $290 on the 4-hours chart of the BCH/USD pair (data feed from Coinbase). The pair could continue to move down if there is a break below the $280 support in the near term. Bitcoin cash price is struggling below $300 against the...
Read More »Stacks (STX) Surges Upon News of Big Financial Support by OKCoin
If you talk to any cryptocurrency aficionado about DeFi, Dapps, DAOs, NFTs, they are unlikely to think of Bitcoin as the first relevant blockchain, but OKCoin wants to change that. Today, the Asian exchange announced a partnership with Stacks to bring the highlights of the WEB3 revolution to the Bitcoin blockchain – and the investment to achieve this is strong. OKCoin and Stack Work Towards a More Advanced, Capable Bitcoin Ecosystem As OKCoin explained on its social networks,...
Read More »Fintech Company Lunar Raises $77 Million, Launches Crypto Trading Platform
The Nordic-based financial technology firm – Lunar – closed a $77 million financing round. The organization reached a valuation of $2 billion and introduced a cryptocurrency trading platform. Lunar Dives Into The Crypto Industry The Danish company Lunar secured a $77 million Series D-2 funding round, bringing the series’ total to $310 million. The investment was led by prominent financial backers such as Heartland, Kinnevik, Tencent, and IDC Ventures. Apart from the...
Read More »Der einfache Einstieg für Trader mit Teilaktien
Fractional Shares, zu Deutsch auch Teilaktien, sind gerade der Renner. Das ist auch nicht weiter verwunderlich – schließlich eröffnen sie Newcomern viele interessante Möglichkeiten. Risikomanagement und Diversifizierung der Investition lassen sich mit Teilaktien optimieren. Aber aufgepasst: Es gibt auch Nachteile. Teilaktien einfach erklärt Wer Teilaktien kauft, ist mit der Investition nicht an den Wert der Aktie gebunden, sondern kann so viel Geld investieren, wie zur Verfügung steht.Um ein...
Read More »NVIDIA Data Held Hostage by Hackers Who Want to “Help” Crypto Miners
Technology company NVIDIA has received a rather odd request from a group of hackers calling themselves Lapsus$. The organization is asking that the company make their graphics cards capable of mining faster. If NVIDIA does not comply, the hackers will release the over one TB of data they’ve allegedly stolen. NVIDIA Has Gotten an Odd Request Normally, hackers have much more malicious intent when they engage in taking over a network or system of some kind. Never was this...
Read More »JP Richardson Requires All His Employees to Be Paid in BTC
JP Richardson – the CEO and founder of crypto wallet firm Exodus – is doing what many companies would consider unthinkable. He’s paying all his employees in bitcoin, and he’s broadcasting their salaries on the blockchain to ensure transparency. JP Richardson Is Pushing the BTC Initiative Richardson began his company in 2015. Initially, everyone working with or through the firm would be required to download separate wallets for each form of crypto they invested in. This...
Read More »Bitcoin Falls Again as Investors Fear War in Europe
Bitcoin has fallen again. After a week or so of the world’s number one digital currency rising back above $40,000 and staying within that range, it looks like the asset has taken another tumble and at the time of writing, is trading for around $39,000 per unit. Bitcoin Takes Another Dive It appears the fight between Russia and Ukraine continues to bear heavy burdens on the digital asset. While some – such as Mark Mobius – have claimed that the battle in eastern Europe is...
Read More »EU will Russland auch im Bereich Cryptocoins sanktionieren
Gestern gab die Europäische Union offiziell bekannt, dass Cryptocoins für sie unter die Bezeichnung „Transferable Securities“ fallen. Diese Bezeichnung taucht aktuell in der Liste der möglichen Sanktionen gegen Russland auf. Damit dürfte die EU auch Bitcoin und Co. ins Auge fassen. Crypto News: EU will Russland auch im Bereich Cryptocoins sanktionierenIn dem Bestreben Druck auf die russische Regierung auszuüben, hat der Westen die finanziellen Daumenschrauben bei zahlreichen Oligarchen...
Read More »Crypto Proponent Yoon Suk-Yeol Is South Korea’s New President
Yoon Suk-Yeol – a member of the Conservative party – won the South Korean presidential election. The new political leader of the East Asian country has demonstrated a pro-crypto stance. Not long ago, he vowed to increase the minimum threshold for paying capital gains tax on profits from digital asset investments. South Korea to Become a Crypto Hub? The presidential election was one of the most contested in the history of South Korea. Yoon Suk-Yeol – a 61-year-old former...
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