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Crypto news

Buy, Sell and Exchange Crypto and Fiat With the New HOLD App and Debit Card

For now, 36 countries from the European Economic Area (EEA) will be able to enjoy zero fee crypto and fiat exchange, while Austria, Ireland Spain are soon to follow.Get the Most Out of Crypto With No Fees at AllBitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin will be the first available crypto choices on the HOLD app, with easy exchange, buying and selling all within the app. Deposit at any time with crypto or with fiat from SEPA transfers direct from users’ bank account.This essentially means that crypto...

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Crypto Price Analysis & Overview: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Eos, Doge Coin

BitcoinWe saw a sharp correction with a high trading volume which dragged the price down to the Fibonacci levels at 0.618 within the $7,800 range. That’s a support line and if we break past through it to $7,200 we can also get down quickly to $6,200. In terms of resistance, the trend line goes down in clear red. Breaking it will only provide short-term security. Going above $10,400 will bring confidence back. This week’s plunge felt like a “sell the news:  event but that’s not what prompted...

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Dethroning Visa: Blockchain Technology May Enable Greater Transaction Speeds than the Payments Giant

Featured – The advertising technology sector, usually abbreviated to AdTech, is a vast and growing industry – but it’s going through some growing pains. One of the most challenging processes in the digital advertising industry is ensuring that pay per click, or ‘PPC’ ads, are tracked and served effectively. Visitors arriving on a website through PPC ads are 50% more likely to make a purchase than organic visitors, and in 2017 alone, over $10 billion was spent on PPC ads.With such substantial...

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Crypto Rating Council: Bitcoin-Börsen entwickeln gemeinsam Bewertungssystem für Token

CRC Securities Framework Asset Ratings Die Krypto-Börsen Coinbase, Kraken, Bittrex, Anchorage, Circle, DRW Cumberland, Genesis sowie Grayscale Investments haben zusammen ein Punktesystem für Token herausgebracht. Dieses soll anzeigen, ob und inwieweit eine Kryptowährung einem Wertpapier entspricht. Kryptowährungen – Aktien, Handelswaren oder Zahlungsmittel? Über die Frage, ob Kryptowährungen eher als Aktien, Handelswaren oder...

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How a Crypto Startup Escaped With a Comical Fine After Illegal $4 Billion ICO – the company behind cryptocurrency EOS – was slapped with a $24 million fine this week, pertaining to its initial coin offering (ICO) back in 2017. That might sound harsh, but it’s a tiny penalty. A drop in the ocean compared to the record-breaking $4.1 billion the company (reportedly) raised in its initial coin offering (ICO). To be specific, it’s just 0.58% of the total amount raised – a slap on the wrist for violating US securities law. It’s an arbitrary and dangerous...

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NEO wird erstes Blockchain-Mitglied der Microsoft .NET Foundation

NEO galt lange als die chinesische Version von Ethereum. Mittlerweile ist das NEO Blockchain Projekt komplett international aufgestellt. Die Microsoft-Stiftung .NET unterstützt offiziell die Kryptowährung NEO. Das teilt ein Blog-Beitrag des Unternehmens von NEO mit. NEO steht für „Smart-Economy-Plattform“. Früher hieß diese Blockchain, die eine neue Generation des Internets...

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Craig Wright Incoherently Rambles About Bitcoin Payments & Privacy

Craig Wright continues to befuddle in the cryptocurrency space. The controversial computer scientist who maintains his identity as the one and only Satoshi Nakamoto recently spoke at the CoinGeek conference in Seoul on ‘The Power of Bitcoin SV Scaling’. The conference, which hosted a multitude of speakers, saw Wright headline and speculate on new inventions that could be built on top of his dramatic Bitcoin Cash fork now dubbed Satoshi’s Vision. Craig Wright, the promoter of government...

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RSE Security Token: Interview mit den Machern der AI-Plattform

ISE Wealth Technologies GmbH Teamfoto RISE Wealth Technologies ist ein FinTech-Start-up mit Sitz in Grünwald bei München. RISE Wealth Tech baut eine Software für die Implementierung von Handelsstrategien auf der Basis von Maschinellem Lernen (ML) und Künstlicher Intelligenz (AI). Soeben gab RISE Wealth Technologies den Fahrplan für das bevorstehende Security Token Offering (STO) bekannt. Eine ideale Gelegenheit für ein Interview mit...

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Bitcoin Can Drop to Anywhere from $7,000 to $0 Say Experts

Bitcoin’s fall from grace over the last few days has emboldened bears to come out of hiding. Calls for a plunge to $7,000 and below are overwhelming social media channels. It appears that in one bearish push, all the hard work that the bulls put in this year has gone out of the window. The CIO of Redacted Capital sees bitcoin dropping by another 15%. | Source: TwitterTo get a better sense of where bitcoin is headed in the near-term, we asked several experts on what they think would be the...

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‘Excited’ Block.One Settles $24 Million SEC Penalty for Naughty EOS ICO

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has brought down the hammer on crypto once again, announcing a $24 million penalty on blockchain company Yesterday brought equal measures of hope and despair for the cryptocurrency market. A new rating system for cryptocurrency classification sprung up, looking to bolster self-regulation efforts; at the same time, the SEC pounced on EOS‘ parent company,, for its supposedly unregistered ICO. The company had tried to subvert...

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