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Crypto news

Crypto Pioneer Gifts Bruce Willis with Bitcoin in Gold-Plated Wallets

Crypto entrepreneur Bobby Lee has gifted Bruce Willis some bitcoin in Ballet wallets. The digital coins were handed to him as Christmas gifts for his daughters. Crypto investors and celebrities invested in digital currencies are increasing awareness efforts. Action movie star Bruce Willis has received a surprise gift after bumping into bitcoin crusader, Bobby Lee. Lee is the CEO and co-founder of BTC China. His company, BTCC, was founded in 2011 and is credited as the first bitcoin...

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Bayern: Facebook teilt ab sofort Daten mit der Polizei

Marienplatz mit dem Rathaus München; hinter dem Baukran die Theatinerkirche. Foto CC 3.0 by Diliff, Wikipedia Bayerns Justizminister Georg Eisenreich reichen die von Facebook in Aussicht gestellten besseren Auskunftsmöglichkeiten für die Strafverfolgungsbehörden nicht aus. Er betonte, dass Facebook zwar eine bessere Zusammenarbeit angekündigt hat, wenn es um Hasskriminalität...

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Gillette empört Kunden

Frauen wussten es schon immer. Männer sind an allem Schuld. Das bestätigte nun auch Gillette in seiner Rasiererwerbung. So ganz ist die Message jedoch nicht angekommen. Stattdessen gab es scharfe Kritik, Wutausbrüche und sogar von Boykott war die Rede. Einige sprachen sogar von einem Krieg gegen die Männlichkeit. Der Hass wurde durch ein Gillette Video geschürt, das mittlerweile alleine 20 Millionen Mal angeklickt wurde. Über eine Million Mal wurde bereits der Dislike Button...

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Customers of Golix Exchange Can’t Access Funds

A cryptocurrency exchange in Zimbabwe known as Golix is under fire after its CEO allegedly lost the private keys to the company wallet, thereby preventing customers from withdrawing their funds.What’s the Trouble with Golix?Twanda Kembo, the founder and primary executive of the Golix exchange, says he lost the password to the company’s cold storage unit in May of last year. Wow… So, it didn’t occur to you to inform your customers six months ago when this happened? You decide to wait until...

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What One Experts Things of Blockchain Transaction Fees

Do you hate transaction fees? If you’re like everyone else, you probably do. Transaction fees are part of the financial process. When you transfer money to secondary hands, there’s a third party or financial services company that must verify the transaction and do the moving. They garner fees for their services and ensure everything occurs normally.Transaction Fees Are Causing Serious IssuesTransaction fees on the blockchain, however, are an ugly addition to what should have been a completely...

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Bitmain’s US IPO Plans Could Go Up in Smoke

Bitmain, a leading bitcoin miner, has secretly filed for an IPO that is sponsored by Deutsche Bank, a German multinational company, as reported by Tencent News. The company has been struggling to bounce back since crypto winter. The black swan event dampened demand for cryptocurrency mining machines, causing profitability to plummet. The reported secret filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) will help raise badly needed capital. Bitmain is reportedly looking...

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Bakkt Customers Can Soon Make Purchases with BTC

Well, Bakkt has been around for over a month. Despite a slow start, it looks like the crypto trading platform has easily rebounded and is now trading in the millions in terms of the number of bitcoin futures contracts.Bakkt Can Work in “Other” WaysAnd yet, there are some analysts that don’t seem to think this will make bitcoin and cryptocurrency mainstream. How can this be? For years, the primary argument behind Bakkt is that it will bring institutional traders to the playing field. This will...

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Bitcoin Price Analysis: The Suspicious Calmness Anticipating a Huge BTC Move Following Last Saturday’s $4,000 Surge

The past weekend was crazy even for the most experienced crypto traders, who couldn’t remember when was the last time they saw a 42% change in the price of Bitcoin in under 24 hours took place.Since then, Bitcoin’s raging volatility had been declining as the weekdays passed, and now, precisely a week since the colossal $4,000 price surge, it looks like the next move is a matter of hours, maybe 1-2 days.At least one sign is pointing bullish – Bitcoin kept above the significant 200-days moving...

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After a Row of Leaks Diablo 4 Is Finally Officially Announced

After years of so much speculation, the Diablo 4 video game has been announced by Blizzard Entertainment. And yes, it happened after so much speculation on whether it would ever be created. As it was expected, this was made open at the Blizzcon 2019 where the Diablo 4 was unveiled as a sequel to the Diablo 3. It comes packed with all the fun and adventure that gamers are meant to experience.In a cinematic trailer, we see the return of Lilith the daughter of Mephisto who is the Lord of Hatred....

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Swiss Blockchain Federation: Was wurde bisher erreicht?

Ein Jahr SBF: Viel Kitt und Schub für das Ökosystem Ein Jahr nach der Gründung hat sich die Swiss Blockchain Federation als verlässlicher Partner für das Crypto Valley und das einher entstehende Ökosystem etabliert. Die Swiss Blockchain Federation hat den Auftrag, die Rahmenbedingungen für die Blockchain-Technologie zu verbessern und die Thematik auf politischer Ebene voranzutreiben. Dieser Auftrag umfasst insbesondere das Zusammenbringen...

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