The second-largest stock exchange in Germany, the Stuttgart Stock Exchange is launching Bitcoin trading on its digital arm, starting today, September 23rd. Reportedly, the Digital Exchange of the Stuttgart Stock Exchange (BSDEX) will be the first regulated trading venue in the country where investors can interact without having to rely on third parties.Bitcoin’s Adoption ContinuesThe Digital Exchange of the Stuttgart Stock Exchange (BSDEX) starts offering Bitcoin trading today. According to...
Read More »5 Best Performing S&P 500 Stocks Since 2000
The S&P 500 is the most widely used stock market index as it takes into account 500 of the largest stocks by market capitalization. This position atop other indexes has remained constant for a long time, probably because the index captures the big stocks without taking the specific sectors into consideration.Back in July, the S&P 500 hit its all-time high of about 3,025 and even though its currently not too far from that mark (at 2,992), Fundstrat’s co-founder and managing director,...
Read More »Tezos Price Analysis: XTZ Spikes 4.5% After Binance Listing But Can It Sustain?
Tezos saw an increase of 4.50% today and its price reached $1.11. This happened after Tezos saw a 11% hike over the past week. This latest spike is largely due to the fact that Tezos has now officially been added to Binance, the world’s largest exchange. Trading is expected to go live tomorrow (Sep 24) at 11:00 AM UTC. The cryptocurrency will be available for trade against BNB, BTC, and USDT.Tezos is now the 18th largest cryptocurrency with a market cap of $731 million.Looking at the XTZ/USD...
Read More »Stellar Lumen (XLM) Price Back To Square One, Can $0.06 Hold?
Stellar lumen price rallied this past week above the $0.0800 resistance area against the US Dollar.XLM price even broke the $0.0900 level and recently started a nasty decline below $0.0800.There is a declining channel forming with resistance near $0.0680 on the 4-hours chart (data feed via Kraken).The pair remains at a risk of more losses and it could even revisit the $0.0570 support area.Stellar lumen price is back in a bearish zone after a massive rally against the US Dollar. XLM price...
Read More »Google Claims That They Have Reached Quantum Supremacy
Ever since Google announced that they are working on a Quantum super-computer the world has been eager to see the results of such a scientific and technological breakthrough. Last year in March, they presented the super-computer which boasted a 72-qubit computing power. Since then the word quantum computing has become very popular and nations around the world cannot wait to get their hands on this remarkable discovery. But why?The main reasons might be the fact that quantum computing can...
Read More »YouHodler: Neue Margin-Trading-Suite gestartet
YouHodler verlegt diese Wochen den Hauptsitz ins Bitcoin-Land Schweiz nach Lausanne. Gutschein weiter unten im Artikel. YouHodler ist eine FinTech-Plattform, die Kryptodarlehen auf Fiat- und Stablecoin-Basis anbietet. Wie so viele erfolgreiche Startups die anfangen richtig Geld zu verdienen, verlegte Youhodler sienen Hauptsitz ins Bitcoin-Land Schweiz, genauer nach Lausanne. Seit August hat die Seite einige neue Funktionen eingeführt,...
Read More »Bitcoin Is Among The Top 30 Largest World Currencies, Despite Being Down 50% From ATH
Bitcoin is becoming a force to be reckoned with in the global currency market as it’s already a part of the top 30 currencies. This sounds even more impressive when we take into consideration the fact that Bitcoin has only been around for a decade and it’s currently 50% down from its all-time high.Bitcoin on the Macro LandscapeThe graphic below reveals the M2 market supply of the largest currencies. This includes saving deposits, mutual funds as well as checking deposits and cash in...
Read More »Bitcoin Trading on ICE’s Bakkt Futures Platform Breaks $290,000 Barrier
Earlier today, Bakkt announced the live trading for its much-awaited Bitcoin Futures contracts. Bakkt Bitcoin Futures Contracts come with daily and monthly settlement periods along with its safe custodial solution called the Bakkt Warehouse.Bakkt Bitcoin Futures are now actively trading on ICE Futures U.S., while the Bakkt Warehouse continues to onboard bitcoinWe take our customers’ trust seriously, and are excited to serve this market— Bakkt (@Bakkt) September 23, 2019Bakkt entry to the...
Read More »Umfrage: Österreicher trauen Bitcoin noch nicht
Nach einer Umfrage der Bank ING sind die Österreicher in Bezug auf den Bitcoin am misstrauischten- ganz im Gegensatz zu den Türken, die nahezu euphorisch auf Bitcoin & Co reagieren. Umfrage unter 14’000 Teilnehmern Die ING Bank hat für die Umfrage 14000 Personen befragt – aus Europa, Nordamerika sowie Australien. Die unterschiedliche Krypto-Begeisterung kann für Nutzer, die bereits selbst voll in...
Read More »Neon: Schweizer Smartphone Bank erhält 5 Millionen um App fertig zu bauen. Wann kommt die Bitcoin-Funktion?
Smartphone-Bankinglösung neon erhält 5 Mio CHF in Round A-Finanzierung für weiteren Produktausbau Neon, die Zürcher Antwort auf Revolut und Transferweise hat erfolgreich die nächste Finanzierungsrunde in Höhe von 5 Mio. CHF abgeschlossen. Nach dem aufmerksamkeitsstarken Markteintritt finanziert das Start-Up den weiteren Produktausbau. Neben Lead-Investor Tamedia haben auch die Zürcher Backbone Ventures und verschiedene Altinvestoren in...
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