The first week of 2022 is starting off rather dramatically for Bitcoin and the rest of the cryptocurrency market, the total capitalization of which is down about $240 billion in seven days. This comes as the US Federal Reserve revealed plans to start reducing its balance sheet, which may start as soon as the next several months. It’s safe to say that the Bitcoin price has seen better days. Down about 12.5% since this time last week, BTC currently trades at around $41,400. For...
Read More »Fed’s Hint at Tightening Monetary Policy Pushes Bitcoin (BTC) Price Below $42K to 3-Month Low
Why do I have to complete a CAPTCHA? Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. What can I do to prevent this in the future? If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network...
Read More »Lancement de la version bêta de Condensat, une banque Bitcoin
Julien Guitton a annoncé cette semaine le lancement de la version bêta privée de Condensat, une banque Bitcoin dédiée aux entreprises, aux commerçants qui souhaitent accepter le bitcoin et aux particuliers. Règlementée en Suisse, Condensat ambitionne d’offrir une solution simple dans son utilisation comme dans son modèle d’affaires (0,2% sur les transactions sortantes), notamment à toutes les sociétés qui, parce qu’elles travaillent...
Read More »Cantaloupe Survey: Many People Want to Use BTC for Purchases
Per a new survey conducted by Cantaloupe, more than a third of users between the ages of 18 and 54 own cryptocurrency. However, this isn’t the big clincher. The good news is that approximately 67 percent of those taking part in the study said that they are willing and able to use their digital currency for purchases if their money is linked to a mobile wallet. Another 19 percent said they would consider using crypto for payments if they could do so through a mobile...
Read More »Back Again: 3rd Largest Bitcoin Whale Swallows Another $24M Worth of BTC During the Dip
While the recent plunge has put the crypto community into a state of panic, one HODLer is taking advantage. The third-largest Bitcoin whale just bought the dip, putting his stack over 121,000 BTC. On January 4th, the whale’s address added another 372 Bitcoin. The sum was purchased for $17,122,242.1 at the time. This was a follow-up to an even larger purchase from a day earlier, when he bought 456 Bitcoin for an average of $46,363 each. Bitcoin’s price plunged below $43k on...
Read More »Following BTC’s $4K Daily Crash, This is The Next Critical Support Area to Watch (Bitcoin Price Analysis)
After dropping over $4K in just a day, the bitcoin price now faces a critical support level. Technical Analysis After failing to close a daily candle above $48K on January 4 (Tuesday), and following the global markets plunge, the BTC price dropped to $42.5K on Bitstamp. Over the past hours, bitcoin has been trading in the range of $42-43.5K. The $40-42K zone has been a reliable support level for the recent weeks, and so far, BTC has maintained this range. All in all, the low...
Read More »Thomas Peterffy Has Become a BTC Fan in Just 5 Years
Thomas Peterffy was once a bitcoin skeptic. Now, he has changed his mind, suggesting the cryptocurrency has come much farther than he – and several others – ever could have imagined. Thomas Peterffy Seems to Like BTC Bitcoin began its financial journey about 13 or 14 years ago. The asset was first brought to our attention through a 2008 whitepaper and the currency was first mined in early 2009. Since then, while it had something of a slow start, the currency has risen in...
Read More »Manuel de survie dans la jungle des poncifs anti-Bitcoin
Le 17 décembre dernier, j’ai été invité à débattre avec Nicolas Dufrêne sur France Culture quant au rôle de Bitcoin comme monnaie. M. Dufrêne venait en effet de publier une tribune dans Le Monde réitérant les poncifs classiques à l’égard de la première des cryptomonnaies. Cependant, le format initial étant fortement limitant, je vais essayer de déconstruire plus longuement ces arguments par l’écrit. Ce papier s’adresse plus généralement...
Read More »Abu Dhabi Wants to Be the World’s Biggest BTC Haven
Abu Dhabi – the capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) – has stated that it is looking to become one of the biggest crypto hubs in the world. The region is looking to reduce its reliance on standard gas and oil while boosting its investments in the crypto space. Abu Dhabi and Crypto… A Solid Match? The UAE was one of the first nations to establish regulation for the growing crypto space, having done so in 2018. Since then, many new digital currency trading platforms...
Read More »Bitcoin mit schwachem Start ins neue Jahr
Die erste Woche des neuen Jahres nähert sich dem Ende. Und für den BTC lief der Start ins Jahr 2022 nicht zufriedenstellend. Zu Beginn der Woche stieg die Hashrate deutlich an, so dass viele Experten ein Kursplus erwarteten, doch letztlich ging es um weitere 10 Prozent im Wochenvergleich runter. Bitcoin News: Bitcoin mit schwachem Start ins neue JahrArcane Research sah einen Anstieg der Hashrate zum Jahresbeginn, der sogar das Allzeithoch aus Mai 2021 überstieg. Dieser Indikator ist...
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