Avertissement : la solution de micro-paiement proposée dans cet article est centralisée. Il n’est donc pas raisonnable d’y conserver des sommes importantes. Pour un contrôle complet de vos données et de vos fonds sur le Lightning Network nous recommandons l’utilisation d’Eclair Mobile. Après Tippin.me, extension permettant d’effectuer des paiements LN sur Twitter, voilà Bottle Pay, une extension...
Read More »Analysts Argue Over When Bitcoin Will Stop Falling
Bitcoin is continuing its price falls, and many analysts find themselves disagreeing over whether the currency will bottom out soon.Bitcoin: When Will the Drops Cease?Over the past two weeks, the world’s leading cryptocurrency has lost more than $2,000 in value. During the early portion of November, bitcoin was trading for well over $9,000 following positive blockchain comments from Chinese president Xi Jinping and Bakkt’s sudden surge in business.However, from there, the currency has...
Read More »Mike McGlone: We’re Still in a Bull Market
Well, bitcoin is struggling heavily as of late. The currency has dropped by more than $2,500 in the past couple of weeks, and it’s now trapped in the $7,000 range.Bitcoin: Still the “Go-To” Financial ToolAnd yet, many analysts say that investors are not likely to give up the currency altogether and will still flock to bitcoin and other forms of crypto in droves. Mike McGlone, a senior commodity strategist at Bloomberg, even goes so far as to say that bitcoin is no longer an object for pure...
Read More »Tezos Price Analysis: XTZ Up 52% In November, How Much Higher Can It Get?
SummaryTezos has been surging this month after increasing by 52% to reach the current price of $1.25.The momentum is certainly on the side of the buyers against Bitcoin.Tezos must pass a 7-month falling resistance line to be able to continue this bullish run higher.Key Support & Resistance LevelsXTZ/USDSupport: $1.12, $1.06, $1.00.Resistance: $1.40, $1.44, $1.56.XTZ/BTC:Support: 0.000115 BTC, 0.00015 BTC, 0.000127 BTC.Resistance: 0.0001828 BTC, 0.000195 BTC, 0.000206 BTC Since our last...
Read More »Bitcoin Price & Technical Analysis: BTC Has Grown and Stopped
By Dmitriy Gurkovskiy, Chief Analyst at RoboForex.BTC/USD tech analysisBitstop is propelling the Bitcoin terminalsThe BTC will become successful only if it is used in real life — BakktOn W1, the Bitcoin keeps developing an impulse of decline inside the renewed channel. It seems that the market participants are playing the last quick growth balancing the price. Perhaps the new ascending impulse coming soon will not be as large, however, before that we will see the renewal of the minimum. The...
Read More »Anticipated Improvements Can Bolster Ethereum Price
Ethereum (ETH), the largest altcoin by market capitalization, rose 4.5% at the time of publication, trading at $ 151.00. The total cryptocurrency market limit was $ 205.5 billion, due to losses that previously sent it below $ 190 billion.Ethereum value has been very missing recently in spite of strong establishments and a developing decentralized ecosystem. The second-biggest crypto resource on the planet is so miserably attached to its more seasoned siblings that it might take some time...
Read More »Report: German Banks Could Be Able To Store Bitcoin From 2020
While most countries are struggling to understand and regulate cryptocurrencies, Germany might actually introduce them to the general public. A new proposed bill in the country suggests that as of next year, clients should be able to store Bitcoin and other digital assets directly in banks.Bitcoin Storage In German Banks?Germany might be on its way to lead in cryptocurrency adoption. A recent report shows that the country is looking to implement a new set of rules to benefit cryptocurrency...
Read More »Black Friday Offer: Lumi Wallet Offers 12.5% Off Crypto Purchases
Place/Date: - November 28th, 2019 at 1:42 pm UTC · 2 min read Contact: Lumi, Source: Lumi Crypto Wallet Lumi Wallet gets involved in the Black Friday frenzy by lowering crypto purchase commission fees by 12.5% from November 28th to December 1st. The deal applies to ETH and BTC bought by credit card in Lumi Wallet during this period.Black Friday is known as the time of discounts, which means lots of impulsive purchases for agitated consumers and a good time for thoughtful buyers to get...
Read More »Roger Ver sieht Bitcoin Cash Potential in astronomischen Höhen
Roger Ver ist der ehemalige Bitocin.com CEO. Mittlerweile ist Ver ein gern gesehener Gast in den Mainstream Medien und Bitcoin Cash ist eines seiner Lieblingsprojekte. Er sieht den BCH als „echten Bitcoin“ – sein Potential liegt laut ihm sogar noch über dem des BTC.Crypto News: Roger Ver sieht Bitcoin Cash Potential in astronomischen HöhenAktuell liegt der BCH auf Platz 5 aller Cryptocoins nach Marktkapitalisierung, mit einem Kurs von zirka 220 US-Dollar pro Einheit. Roger Ver glaubt, der...
Read More »Black Friday Bitcoin Rabatte: 30% 50% 60%
Black Friday Bitcoin Es ist Black Friday und Cyber Monday. Digitale Abos und Services, welche man sowieso benötigt, kauft man am besten an diesem Wochenende. Immer mehr Unternehmen glauben an Bitcoin. Hier eine Auswahl an Aktionen und Rabatten: #1 Bitconsult: 25 % – 30 % Rabatt auf Bitcoin Hardware Wallets Originale Hardware Wallets vom offiziellen Distributor ohne Zollkosten...
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