William O’Rorke a cofondé le cabinet ORWL Avocat spécialisé dans le secteur des cryptomonnaies et de la blockchain. Interview réalisée par le Journal du Coin le 5 novembre 2019 dans les locaux de Coinhouse avec les moyens techniques de bitcoin.fr.
Read More »Litecoin Price Analysis: LTC Fell Below $50, is $40 Next?
Litecoin saw a sharp price decline of around 12% over the past 24 hours and it currently trades at $46.34. LTC is now down by a total of 21% over the past week which is largely a result of Bitcoin dropping by 10% in a day. LTC remains the sixth-largest cryptocurrency with a market cap of $2.96 billion.LTC has plummetted pretty aggressively over the past 24 hours as it dropped below the support at $50 to reach the current support at $46.41. Litecoin has been on a bearish trend since late June...
Read More »Kraken Exchange Released Mobile Trading App for Kraken Futures
Kraken, one of the world’s leading crypto exchanges based in San Francisco, has introduced a mobile version of its Kraken Futures trading app.Futures Trading in the palm of your hand. Hot on the heels of our Kraken Pro app, The new Kraken Futures mobile app is now live! https://t.co/MpG0ToYlgO— Kraken Exchange (@krakenfx) November 21, 2019Kraken Futures is a professional platform for trading derivatives on digital assets. Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Kraken Futures allows...
Read More »CoinMarketCap Enters Strategic Partnership with Yahoo Finance on Data Feed
In what seems like a match made in heaven Verizon’s Yahoo and CoinMarketCap which is the biggest data provider with everything concerning cryptocurrencies have decided to enter a partnership. In the framework of this collaboration, CoinMarketCap will be providing Yahoo Finance with data, historical information educational content from all its feeds concerning the crypto space. By all statistics, CoinMarketCap is the largest cryptocurrency information site by sheer volume past and current. It...
Read More »As Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP and Litecoin Slump, Chainlink Soars
While major cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, and Litecoin have seen significant drops in value and have taken most of the press attention, one smaller token Chainlink has actually doubled in value in recent times.The cryptocurrency market saw its highest recorded values for the year in the month of June 2019 but since then, has struggled to maintain this momentum. Following reports of Binance’s Shanghai office being closed down by the authorities which were later debunked, the...
Read More »FOX: Shapeshift mit neuem Token
Bitcoin-Börse ShapeShift bringt Token FOX heraus ShapeShift hat einen neuen Treue-Token namens FOX herausgebracht. Die Schweizer Krypto-Börse bietet mit diesem nun einen gebührenfreien Handel an. Erik Voorhees, Gründer und Chairman von ShapeShift, gab dies in einem Twitter-Post vom 20. November bekannt. In diesem erläuterte er, dass der Handel über die Plattform durch den neuen FOX-Token in gebührenfreier Form ermöglicht wird. FOX-Token...
Read More »China Clarifies Cryptocurrencies Are Illegal: Bitcoin Records 6-Month Low In Response
Yesterday, Bitcoin’s price went through a serious decline, losing more than $550 of its value in a matter of hours. Today, news from China came that the country’s views on cryptocurrencies remain unchanged and that they are, in fact, illegal. Almost immediately after that, Bitcoin lost another $500, marking a 6-month low.China Clarifies: Cryptocurrencies Are IllegalA few weeks ago, China’s president, Xi Jinping, urged the country to get more involved with blockchain-based technologies....
Read More »Bitcoin Price Plunges To $7000: Will The Historic Support Line Save Bitcoin?
Just yesterday, we had celebrated the goodbye party from the $8000 price level, which held Bitcoin for the past couple of days.Yesterday’s bloody price action ended up in a retest of the significant support area of $7400. The last was the lowest price level of BTC before the vast 42% price surge, which took place on October 26, and ended up touching $10,350.It’s not even a month later, and Bitcoin is down again, no recognition of the October 26 impressive price surge. Bitcoin is now...
Read More »Bakkt Cash-Settled Bitcoin Futures To Launch On December 9th
The Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) announced today that its Bitcoin Futures trading platform, Bakkt, will be launching a cash-settled contract. Starting from December 9th, they will be listed on the ICE Futures Singapore. It’s interesting to see how and if this will have an impact on Bitcoin’s price, given what has happened before.Bakkt Futures Contract on ICE SingaporeICE, the owner of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), revealed the upcoming launch earlier today. Bakkt’s cash-settled...
Read More »Publication du décret relatif aux prestataires de services sur actifs numériques
Très attendu par les acteurs des cryptomonnaies en France (plateformes d’échange, courtiers…), le décret d’application qui permettra à l’AMF de délivrer, vraisemblablement d’ici février/mars, les premiers agréments aux prestataires de services sur actifs numériques, vient d’être publié aujourd’hui et entrera en vigueur dès demain. Pour s’enregistrer les plateformes candidates devront transmettre leur dossier à l’Autorité des marchés...
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