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Bitcoin (BTC)

Bitcoin Price Drops to $7,500 and $180M Worth of BTC Longs Liquidated on BitMEX

Bitcoin price is still falling which causes a lot of worries among the traders. As on BitMEX and Bitstamp, it fell below $7,400, it has now seen its lowest points in the last four weeks and has crashed 50 percent since it’s year-long high in June.The crypto market, like any other financial market, is subject to price changes and swings at certain times but it has become rather interesting to watch over the years. In its initial stages, it was predicted that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies...

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#755 BTC Crash bringt den Bärenmarkt zurück & Binance und Bithumb Polizeidurchsuchung

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 755 gesponsert von – Bitcoin Crash auf 7.4k – Bitcoin Bärenmarkt zurück & Binance und Bithumb verneinen das Offices in Shanghai durch Polizei geschlossen wurden. [embedded content] 1.) Bitcoin Crashes Back to $7.4K Completely Wiping Out the October Rally 2.) Bithumb Quashes Shanghai Office Closure Rumors After...

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Bitcoin ATM Robbed: Thieves Forgot The Most Importnat Thing

More and more Bitcoin ATMs are popping up across the world and sometimes they become a target of wrongdoers. A couple of thieves recently robbed a Bitcoin ATM in Canada. They took around $3,000 out of the machine and what is more interestingly – forgot to take the remaining $37,000.Bitcoin ATM Robbery In CanadaThe place of the heist was a local food market in Vernon, British Columbia, Canada. Apparently, two thieves decided that the Bitcoin ATM is a valuable target, and as per the reported...

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Bitcoin Cash Analysis: BCH Tumbling, $200 Holds Key

Bitcoin cash price is declining and it recently broke the $238 support area against the US Dollar.The price is struggling to recover and it seems like it may even break the $215 support.There is a key bearish trend line forming with resistance near $240 on the 4-hours chart of the BCH/USD pair (data feed from Kraken).The pair remains at a risk of more losses towards the main $200 support area.Bitcoin cash price is tumbling below $238 and $220 against the US Dollar. BCH/USD is likely to test...

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Bitcoin ATM sind die echte Revolution!

Bitcoin ATM im neugebauten Wiener Hauptbahnhof Die Zahl der Bitcoin-Automaten, die weltweit installiert sind, steigt stetig an. Derzeit soll es bereits über 6.000 Bitcoin ATM geben. Auch in der Schweiz wächst das Netzerk der Bitcoin-Wechselautomaten dank der Firma Vaerdex rasant. Die Neuinstallationen erreichen im Durchschnitt einen Spitzenwert Das Online-Portal CoinATMRadar beziffert die derzeitige Anzahl an Bitcoin-Automaten mit 6.004....

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Fundstrat Studie: Millenials lieben Bitcoin

Eine aktuelle Fallstudie von Fundstrat prognostiziert, dass das verfügbare Einkommen für Millennials innerhalb des nächsten Jahrzehnts auf über 7 Billionen Dollar wachsen wird, und bis 2030 werden sie fünfmal so viel Vermögen besitzen wie heute In den kommenden Jahrzehnten sollen die sogenannten „Millennials“ zur wohlhabendsten Generation der gesamten Geschichte werden. Da die...

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Tor Projects accepte les dons en bitcoin via le Lightning Network

The Tor Project, fondation à but non lucratif responsable de la maintenance des logiciels pour le réseau anonymisant Tor, accepte les dons en bitcoin via le Lightning Network. Il est désormais possible de soutenir le projet Tor en effectuant des micro-transactions d’une valeur d’un dollar (13135 satoshis à la publication de cet article). A cette fin la fondation s’appuie sur BTCPay Server,...

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Bitcoin mining : l’Iran précise sa stratégie

La chaîne d’information internationale iranienne Press TV a rapporté le 13 novembre dernier qu’un porte-parole du ministère iranien de l’Energie, aurait donné, lors d’une interview (introuvable) avec le média iranien IRIB News, quelques précisions sur les nouvelles règles fixées aux mineurs de bitcoins en Iran. Le minage de cryptomonnaies serait ainsi interdit pendant les heures de grande consommation, soit plus de 300 heures par an. Le...

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Booking Airbnb with Bitcoin is Now Possible

The value of cryptocurrencies is constantly fluctuating, but that doesn’t stop people and businesses from using them to conduct money transactions.Nowadays, you can use Bitcoin – the cryptocurrency that started everything – on Amazon, gambling venues such as the Sloto Cash online casino, and as of late – Airbnb as well.On November 11th, it was announced that Fold now supports payments to Airbnb, allowing people to book stays while enjoying some extra benefits.According to ads, Fold users will...

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Einstein Exchange Has Very Little Customer Money Left

Remember Live Bitcoin News’ coverage of Einstein Exchange, the now defunct cryptocurrency exchange stationed in Canada? Remember how the company took roughly $16 million of customers’ money with it? Well, turns out a lot of that money is lost, and Einstein now only possesses about $45,000 of its previous total.Einstein Exchange: Losing Money QuicklyMost of the remaining money is made up of “hard assets,” according to an official statement, with about $15,000 comprised of various...

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