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Bitcoin (BTC)

Accepter bitcoin dans un restaurant

Entretien avec Benjamin, propriétaire du Bouchon Comptoir Brunet, restaurant Lyonnais. « Le Bouchon Comptoir Brunet est un restaurant traditionnel lyonnais qui date de 1934 en plein centre ville de Lyon (la presqu’île). On y sert de la cuisine typique de la région avec ses spécialités (quenelle, tablier de sapeur, andouillette à la fraise de veau, hareng, cervelle de canut, tarte praline), des abats (ris de veau, rognons, tripes) ainsi que des plats plus traditionnels français...

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Analysts: The Time to Buy Bitcoin Is NOW!

The crypto space isn’t doing well, but according to many analysts, the time to buy is now. Several industry heads are claiming that those who are enthusiastic about bitcoin need to begin stocking up and adding to their stashes quickly in that the market could find itself rebounding very soon. Analysts Say We Should Be Buying Bitcoin Should this happen, prices will immediately go up, meaning many of the traders and investors out there will get stuck paying higher prices...

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PGA Tour Accepts Crypto Payments for Tickets and Hospitality Packages

The Barracuda Championship is the first PGA Tour stop that will be accepting cryptocurrency as a method of payment for event tickets. Thus, golf fans and digital currency fans alike can finally meet in the middle and enjoy something together. PGA Says “Yes” to Crypto The move is pushing the goals of bitcoin and its digital counterparts closer to being achieved. What many people likely forget is that while bitcoin and many of its crypto cousins have taken on either...

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Bitcoin Price Analysis: Holding This Range Can Lead a Quick Move Towards $27K

After getting rejected from the $24K sentimental resistance area three times, the Bitcoin price finally broke the threshold, forming higher highs and lows on the daily chart. Can buyers expect to see the $27K level reached next? Technical Analysis By Shayan The Daily Chart The weekly candle is closing tonight (Sunday’s midnight UTC), and if Bitcoin successfully closes above the $24K level, a rally toward the $27K region will be likely. However, the 100-day moving average – a...

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Ray Youssef: Crypto Will Stick Around

With the crypto space falling into oblivion, many wonder if the arena has what it takes to ever come back. According to Ray Youssef of Paxful fame, the crypto industry isn’t going anywhere, and he’s confident market recovery will soon be in the books. Ray Youssef on the State of Crypto In a recent interview, Youssef stated that while things may look bleak at the time of writing, no one really needs to worry. He says that the crypto space has garnered enough adoption that...

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Impact: Immer mehr Bitcoin-Services wecheln auf die Affiliate-Plattform Impact

Reden wir hier mal Klartext: Viel verdienen konnte man mit Bitcoin-Affiliates noch nie. Es gab zwar einige Ansätze, doch selbst wer viele Kunden werben konnte, konnte damit niemals reich werden. Und jetzt hat auch noch Coinbase sein bekanntes Affiliate-Programm eingestellt. Ein neuer, ziemlich interessanter Trend zeigt sich allerdings ab: Die meisten Bitcoin Affiliate Programme, die es noch gibt, wechseln von der eigenen Plattform weg, hin zum bekannten Service-Anbieter Impact. Neu hat auch...

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Bitcoin Touched $25K for the First Time in 2-Months: Shiba Inu Soars 15% (Weekend Watch)

After a brief dip, bitcoin went on the offensive once more and tapped $25,000 for the first time since mid-June. The altcoins are calmer today, but Shiba Inu has stolen the show with a massive double-digit surge. Bitcoin Touched $25K Whether it’s indeed on hype regarding the upcoming Merge, as JPM claimed, the crypto market has been on an uptrend in the past week or so, evident from BTC’s price movements. The most impressive surge came on August 10 when the asset jumped from...

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Heatwave Causes Texas BTC Miners to Slow Down

There is a rapid heatwave spreading through the state of Texas. This means everybody’s air conditioning units are going to be on, and electricity is going to be short. As a result, crypto miners in the Lone Star state are expected to shut down here and there to at least calm their operations for a while. Texas Is the Crypto Mining Hotspot Texas, for the past several months, has caught the eye of crypto miners across the globe. Not only does the region offer vast amounts...

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Campagne « un don pour l’avenir »

Trente-deux, c’est le nombre d’enfants hébergés par Marie Katsuva, 64 ans, qui n’a pas hésité à transformer sa propre maison en une sorte d’orphelinat pour subvenir à leurs besoins élémentaires. Congo Repères, une association congolaise, lance une campagne visant à aider Marie à financer la scolarité de ces enfants délaissés. Grâce à la plateforme e-collecta, il est possible de faire un don en...

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Norwegian BTC Miner Moves Beyond the Arctic Circle to Cut Energy Costs (Report)

The Norwegian bitcoin mining company – Kryptovault AS – reportedly plans to move its operations north of the Arctic Circle. The relocation is prompted by the rising electricity costs in the country, while the northern regions are still relatively unaffected by the crisis. Over the past few years, Norway has turned into a cryptocurrency mining center for the European region due to its green policies. According to estimations, 98% of the energy production in the nation comes...

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