The drastic plunge has raised questions about Bitcoin (and other cryptos) viability as a stable asset and correlation to traditional markets. Changelly CEO Eric Benz has shared his views on this issue.In a month that is usually remembered for the dramatics it delivers on the basketball court, thanks to the coronavirus and what seems to be a developing oil war, March madness has emerged in markets across the world. The U.S. and UK stock markets posted their worst losses for a single day since...
Read More »Inovio (INO) Stock Fell 42% on Tuesday after Its 30% Drop on Monday
Citron Research warned investors that Ino stock would fall back to $2 and called for the Securities and Exchange Commission to investigate Inovio and suspend trading of its stock.Pharma company Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ: INO) had pretty volatile trading session yesterday. It started by growing 10.7% but in just a few minutes, the biotech quickly started to fall. INO stock finished its trading session with 42.01% in the red and with a price of $5.7.But, let’s start from the beginning....
Read More »Bitcoin Price Is At Crucial Historic Decision Point, Huge Move Is Coming Up? Analysis & Weekly Overview
Over the past two days, we saw Bitcoin continued its correlation with Wall Street. After reaching a 2-month low at $7600, and finding support upon the historic trend-line, Bitcoin recovered to $8150, however, just like the Wall Street futures, BTC price lost momentum and now trading roughly around $7800 – $7900.In the bigger picture, Bitcoin touched the historic ascending trend-line two days ago, as can be seen on the following weekly chart. This historic trend line was started forming in...
Read More »#831 Kontrollverlust und Panik & Safe-Haven-Narrativ von Bitcoin am Ende
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 831. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Kontrollverlust, Panik und Hilflosigkeit in der Bevölkerung & Hat das Safe-Haven-Narrativ von Bitcoin ausgedient [embedded content] 1.) Kontrollverlust 2.) Die Bitcoin-Krise: Hat das Safe-Haven-Narrativ ausgedient? Telegram...
Read More »Market amid Coronavirus: When Investing in Times of Crisis, Think Long-Term
There is nothing so far to suggest that there will be a permanent impact on businesses, or that earnings will not eventually recover. But when you want to invest during the crisis, you need to think about long-term benefits.As coronavirus is spreading at an incredibly fast pace, people all over the world are watching eventual developments in the markets to find stocks for investing. However, it is important to stress that making an investment just because the markets are down and/or you are...
Read More »Tesla (TSLA) Stock Rose 6.14%, Company Prepares to Expand its Building Capacity in China
While TSLA stock is quite unstable these days, Tesla has announced its new plans for its production activity in China.Tesla Inc (NASDAQ: TSLA) stock rose by 6.14% by Wednesday to trade at $644.81 while there were revealed the company’s plans to increase its production capacity in China. The stock market had been bleeding out due to the sharp decline in crude oil prices that hit the market caused by the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. Since Monday, Tesla (TSLA) stock nosedived after the release...
Read More »Bitcoin Price Analysis: BTC Recovery Could Face Hurdles Near $8,400
Bitcoin price declined heavily and broke the $8,000 support against the US Dollar.The price traded as low as $7,636 and it is currently correcting higher.There are two key bearish trend lines forming with resistance near $8,840 and $9,200 on the 4-hours chart of the BTC/USD pair (data feed from Coinbase).The pair could correct higher, but it is likely to face a lot of hurdles near $8,400.Bitcoin price is trading in a bearish zone below $8,400 against the US Dollar. BTC is likely to correct...
Read More »Italien: Zahlungen für Hypotheken sollen nach Ausbruch des Coronavirus in ganz Italien ausgesetzt werden
Pandemie - Coronavirus: Ganz Italien wird nun zur Sperrzone. Jetzt sollen die Zahlungen für die Hyptotheken ausgesetzt werden. Dies soll die Wirtschaft kurzfristig entlasten. Aufgrund der Ausbreitung des Coronavirus sollen die Zahlungen für Hypotheken in ganz Italien ausgesetzt, werden. Dies sagte der stellvertretende italienische Wirtschaftsminister gestern Dienstag in einem...
Read More »Coronavirus Italien: Zahlungen für Hypotheken sollen ausgesetzt werden
Coronavirus: Ganz Italien wird nun zur Sperrzone. Jetzt sollen die Zahlungen für die Hyptotheken ausgesetzt werden. Dies soll die Wirtschaft kurzfristig entlasten. Aufgrund der Ausbreitung des Coronavirus sollen die Zahlungen für Hypotheken in ganz Italien ausgesetzt, werden. Dies sagte der stellvertretende italienische Wirtschaftsminister gestern Dienstag in einem...
Read More »Bitcoin und Co. Im Café-Restaurant Le Dor
Värdex Suisse baut das Netzwerk von Krypto-Automaten auch in der Ostschweiz weiter aus. Im Kanton St. Gallen konnte mit dem Café Restaurant Le Dor in Heerbrugg, ein weiterer Partner gewonnen werden. Weitere werden folgen. Bitcoin und Co. Im Café-Restaurant Le Dor Heerbrugg im Rheintal, nahe St. Margrethen und der Österreichischen Grenze.Hier befindet sich das Geschäftshaus Dornacherhof mit rund 16...
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