Not everyone is pleased with bitcoin, but now the European Central Bank (ECB) – which described bitcoin as the “evil” spawn of 2008’s financial crisis – says it’s on the verge of doing something about it.The ECB and Its Digital PlansWhat is this plan? To develop a new centralized cryptocurrency issued by the bank. This isn’t much of a plan when you really think about it considering just how many countries and governments say they’re looking to exact the same steps. China, for example,...
Read More »Following Litecoin’s Halving, The LTC Hash Rate Crashing 70% To Its Yearly Low
Litecoin, one of the most popular cryptocurrencies aside from Bitcoin, is noting a recent severe crash in its hash, almost reaching the 2017 levels.This decline comes just months following the 2019 Litecoin halving event. It raises the question among the community if Litecoin’s network can be jeopardized more easily if the hash rate continues to drop.Litecoin Hash Rate PlungingLitecoin’s hash rate is declining violently over the past six months. The all-time high was reached during the recent...
Read More »Bitcoin Price Analysis: November’s Candle Ended Very Bearish, What Does It Mean For December?
From euphoria to depression: The recent volatility in the price of Bitcoin had burned many shorts and longs. Heaven for traders, hard times for the HODLers.On Friday, just two days ago, everyone was bullish, following a breakout of a decent inverse head and shoulders pattern (at $7400). Following our recent analysis, the huge bullish move had indeed arrived, but couldn’t resist beyond $7870.Then, Bitcoin encountered a long-term descending trend-line, shown both on the following 4-hour and the...
Read More »Charles Hoskinson: BTC Will Hit the Six-Figure Mark Soon
Ethereum co-founder Charles Hoskinson believes that bitcoin is about to achieve big things.Hoskinson: BTC Will Reach $100,000Via Twitter, Hoskinson posted his beliefs that bitcoin could easily reach $100,000 in the coming years. This arguably puts him up there with the likes of venture capitalist Tim Draper, who has stated that bitcoin is likely to hit the six-figure mark by the time 2023 rolls in.Hoskinson’s words are intriguing in that he is the co-builder of arguably bitcoin’s biggest...
Read More »Telegram Founder Due in Court Regarding the “Gram” Cryptocurrency
A federal court is asking the founder of Telegram – Pavel Durov – to testify in the Security and Exchange Commission’s (SEC’s) case against the encrypted messaging service’s latest initial coin offering (ICO) of its new cryptocurrency known as the “gram.”Telegram Is Trapped in a Big Legal BattleTelegram has garnered almost $2 billion through the sale of its new gram token, which has been going on since 2018. Overall, the company has done well. The trouble is the SEC is saying they failed to...
Read More »Russland versucht sich an Bitcoin Zensur
In China wurde der Bitcoin Handel bereits in den Untergrund gedrückt – die Hong Kong Proteste werden zum Beispiel teilweise mit Bitcoin finanziert. Die russische Zentralbank prüft nun, wie auch sie den BTC zensieren kann.Bitcoin News: Russland versucht sich an Bitcoin ZensurAuch wenn Russland und China nicht direkt am Tropf des US-Dollar hängen, basieren Rubel und Yuan auf demselben Fiat-Prinzip. Und damit haben diese beiden Großnation ebenfalls ein immenses Interesse daran, freie dezentrale...
Read More »Bad Packets Will Scan Entire Internet to Prevent Crypto Jacking
Researchers at the hacking group Bad Packets are doing a widespread scan of the internet to see which pages, sites and channels are potentially using the sandbox software Docker as a means of mining cryptocurrency.Bad Packets: Good SolutionsMalicious actors are running rampant in the cryptocurrency world. We’ve seen this recently through the hack of popular South Korean crypto exchange Up Bit, which was robbed of nearly $50 million in ether funds just last Wednesday. It wasn’t a pretty sight,...
Read More »Bakkt To The Senate: CEO Kelly Loeffler To Occupy US Senate Seat
The CEO of Bakkt, Kelly Loeffler, is reportedly going to take the seat in the U.S. Senate for the state of Georgia. Governor Brian Kemp is set to choose the businesswoman rather than President Trump’s choice – U.S. Rep. Doug Collins.Bakkt CEO In U.S. SenateGovernor Brian Kemp appears to be clear with his choice for the U.S. Senate seat after months of anticipation and discussions. The state of Georgia will reportedly have the CEO of Bakkt, Kelly Loeffler, taking the hot seat. While this might...
Read More »Bitcoin Schweiz: Bundesrat will Rahmenbedingungen für Bitcoin verbessern
Das offizielle Bundesratsfoto 2019 haben Mediamatik-Lernenden des Bundesamtes für Informatik und Telekommunikation (BIT) gemacht. Idee, Hintergrundbild und Foto: Alles stammt von ihnen. Bundespräsident Ueli Maurer hatte ihnen nur eine Vorgabe gemacht: Das Foto sollte mit einem Smartphone aufgenommen werden. Gute Nchrichten für die Bitcoin Community Schweiz: Es werden auf...
Read More »Raiffeisen Schweiz startet digitale Kapitalmarkt-Plattform
Raiffeisen International testet Security Token. Auch in der Schweiz arbeitet die Raiffeisen Bank mit Swisscom und Daura AG an einem Token-Projekt. Foto: Gebäude der Raiffeisen Schweiz in St. Gallen. Lizenz: CC 4.0 by JoachimKohlerBremen, Wikipedia Raiffeisen gründet ein eigenes Startup, das als digitale Plattform auf dem Kapitalmarkt eingeführt werden soll. Das Unternehmen möchte sich damit einen Platz am digitalen Markt sichern und sich...
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