Just a couple of days ago, Bitcoin plunged to $8,000, losing $1,500 of its USD value in less than an hour. This marked a severe drop of around 14% and had quite a lot of people worried about whether the bullish trend of 2019 has reversed. A closer look at the state of the network, however, as well as the long-term movement of the price reveals that everything might be just fine.Bitcoin Transactions At All-Time HighWith the latest developments in Bitcoin’s price, the community started to...
Read More »How Q DAO Team Is Sanitizing the Cryptosphere
While there are hundreds of scams, some large and some small ones – a few grand ones have shaken the very collective psyche of the crypto community. Remember BitConnect that ran a scam lending program and cheated thousands of its customers?The company and its founders are still fighting multiple lawsuits. Or Pincoin and iFan, the Vietnamese project that raised more than $650 million and then went bust? How about OneCoin that turned out to be a Ponzi scheme with authorities recovering more...
Read More »Stock Market Unaffected by Trump Impeachment as It Jumps to Possible U.S.-China Deal
As we reported on Wednesday, proceedings for an official impeachment enquiry against U.S. President Donald Trump, was announced by Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, shocking the entire country and the world at large. When this news spread, a lot of people considered what possible effects the situation could have both for the U.S. Stock Market as well as the prolonged trade tensions with China. Now, it would seem that fears have been allayed a bit, as the stock market...
Read More »Zürich: Facebook baut Arbeitsplätze von 80 auf 160 aus
Foto: Facebook Zürich Seit 2016 unterhält Facebook eine Niederlassung in Zürich. Die derzeit 80 Mitarbeiter dort arbeiten vor allem in den Bereichen „Augmented & Virtual Reality“. Nun will Facebook in Zürich deutlich expandieren. Die Mitarbeiterzahl soll sich mehr als verdoppeln und man will dort nun vermehrt auch im Vertrieb tätig sein. Das teilte Tino Krause, der Chef...
Read More »Litecoin (LTC) Price Analysis: Recovery Likely To Fail Near $60-$62
Litecoin price declined heavily and broke the $62.00 support area against the US Dollar.LTC price is traded towards the $50.00 support area and it is currently consolidating losses.There was a break below a major bullish trend line with support near $71.40 on the 4-hours chart of the LTC/USD pair (data feed from Coinbase).The pair could correct higher, but it is likely to face resistance near $60.00 or $62.80.Litecoin price is trading in a bearish zone against the US Dollar and bitcoin. LTC...
Read More »ECB Exec: Libra Could Address Global Payments System Problems
Speaking to the German federal parliament Bundestag on Wednesday, Benoit Coeure, a member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank (ECB) said that Facebook’s currency Libra could possibly fix some of the troubling issues that exist at the international payments market. However, he warned that, on the other hand, it might create other problems that will need regulators to act more liberal and creative. He said:“Libra has undoubtedly been a wakeup call for central banks and...
Read More »SoFi Introduces Crypto Trading for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin
California based financial company SoFi announced it added crypto trading to its fast-growing SoFi Invest platform and that the live trading will begin on next Tuesday. Among the first cryptocurrencies that will be added for trade on SoFi Invest platform are Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and Litecoin (LTC).As per the announcement, the idea came as a reaction to demand from its network that has more than 800,000 members. Beginning next week, SoFi Invest will become the first platform that...
Read More »#715 Bitcoin Stock to Flow, Bitfinex kleiner Erfolg & Börse Stuttgart Krypto Handel
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 715. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: Bitcoin Stock to Flow Methode, Bitfinex kleiner Erfolg im Verfahren & Börse Stuttgart reguliert den Krypto Handel. [embedded content] 1.) Bitcoin Kurs ist laut der Stock-to-Flow Methode genau dort, wo er hingehörthttps://cryptomonday.de/bitcoin-kurs-ist-laut-der-stock-to-flow-methode-genau-dort-wo-er-hingehoert/ 2.) BitFinex: Ein kleiner Erfolg im großen...
Read More »Zuckerberg ‘Really Focused’ on Launching Facebook’s Crypto Libra
Mark Zuckerberg, the co-creator and CEO of Facebook, a $521 billion tech conglomerate, has said in an interview that the team is “really focused” on launching its crypto project Libra - and doing it right.Speaking to Nikkei, Zuckerberg said:"A lot of people have had questions and concerns, and we're committed to making sure that we work through all of those before moving forward. Obviously we want to move forward at some point soon [and] not have this take many years to roll out. But right...
Read More »Où investir dans un monde aux taux d’intérêt négatifs ?
« Le taux d’intérêt de base, dit taux d’intérêt directeur d’une banque centrale, peut se comprendre comme le coût pour emprunter de l’argent. Plus il est élevé, plus les emprunteurs devront rembourser des intérêts sur leurs prêts, et plus les prêteurs recevront des bénéfices sur leur épargne. Une banque centrale décide du taux d’intérêt auquel elle prête de l’argent aux banques commerciales. Ces...
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