Alistair Milne says that tomorrow making its Q1 earnings report Facebook will reveal that it holds Bitcoin on its books. pushedIt was not so long ago when Tesla Inc (NASDAQ: TSLA) made headlines with its investment in BTC. But now there is another giant that is expected to reveal its relations with Bitcoin. We are talking about Facebook Inc (NASDAQ: FB). There appeared some rumours that tomorrow Facebook will reveal not only its earnings report but also its Bitcoin holdings.There is no...
Read More »Crypto Carla
Le Cercle du coin * a décidé d’encourager Carla, très jeune vidéaste camerounaise cryptoenthousiaste de talent, en lui attribuant la qualité de « membre d’honneur junior » du Cercle ainsi qu’une bourse d’un million de satoshis pour financer sa passion. Un rendez-vous régulier est prévu avec sa famille, pour mesurer ses besoins et ses progrès. La chaine Youtube de Carla Sur twitter :...
Read More »Gemini Partners With Mastercard to Launch a Crypto Credit Card With Rewards in Bitcoin
Mastercard continues its crypto-related efforts by partnering with the digital asset exchange Gemini to introduce an innovative crypto rewards credit card. Dubbed Gemini Credit Card, it already has over 100,000 people on its waitlist but should see the light of day in the summer. Crypto Rewards Credit Card From Gemini The crypto exchange founded and managed by the Winklevoss twins announced its latest product earlier today. Apart from including Mastercard, the company has...
Read More »NFL-Profi erhält Gehalt in Bitcoin
National Football League Spieler Sean Culkin hat über Twitter angekündigt, dass er sich von nun an sein Gehalt in Bitcoin auszahlen lässt. Culkin spielt für den Super Bowl 2021 Teilnehmer Kansas City Chiefs und erhält derzeit pro Jahr fast eine Million US-Dollar. Bitcoin News: NFL-Profi erhält Gehalt in BitcoinIn seinem Twitter Thread erklärt der Tight End, warum er diesen Schritt unternommen hat:Crypto.. Bitcoin.. Markets.. Do you wanna learn something new about me? Check the thread! Here...
Read More »Tesla a revendu 10% de ses bitcoins
La publication, dans la soirée du 26 avril, des résultats financiers du constructeur automobile Tesla au premier trimestre 2021 révèle que la société aurait revendu fin mars 10% de son capital en bitcoin, soit 272 millions de dollars, pour un bénéfice d’environ 101 millions. Interpellé sur cet achat, le CEO de Tesla se justifie ainsi : « Tesla a vendu 10% de ses avoirs essentiellement pour prouver...
Read More »Gemini: Bitcoin via Google Pay und Apple Pay kaufen
Gemini: Bitcoin-Börse verkauft Bitcoin und Co. via Google Pay und Apple Pay Gemini bietet Kryptowährungen ab sofort auch über Apple Pay und Google Pay an. Die Kryptobörse stellt zum Start rund 30 Coins zur Verfügung und verspricht kurze Wartezeiten sowie niedrige Gebühren. Bitcoin und Co. über Apple Pay und Google Pay Die beiden neuen Zahlungsoptionen wurden auf dem offiziellen Blog von Gemini angekündigt. Dort heißt es sinngemäß: “Die...
Read More »Cardano (ADA) Price Analysis: Fresh Increase Likely Above $1.30
ADA price started a fresh increase after testing the $1.00 support against the US Dollar. The price is now trading above the $1.200 support and the 55 simple moving average (4-hours). There was a break above a major bearish trend line with resistance near $1.150 on the 4-hours chart (data feed via Bitfinex). The price is likely to continue high above the $1.300 and $1.348 resistance levels. Cardano price is rising and trading above $1.200 against the US Dollar, similar...
Read More »Coinbase-Aktie: CEO macht Kasse bei Börsengang
Coinbase-CEO Brian Armstrong hat durch den Coinbase-IPO Millionengewinne gemacht. Der Börsengang des Krypto-Handelsplatzes bescherte dem Vorstandsmitglied knapp 300 Millionen US-Dollar. Auch der restliche Coinbase-Vorstand machte durch das IPO Kasse. US-Börsenaufsicht SEC veröffentlicht Coinbase-Gewinne Der Krypto-Handelsplatz Coinbase ging Mitte April an die Börse und konnte den Wert der Coinbase-Papiere von anfänglich 250 US-Dollar auf zeitweise über 420 US-Dollar erhöhen....
Read More »Stock-to-Flow Model Suggests $115K for BTC in August
Bitcoin keeps shooting higher for the most part. While it suffers from corrective periods such as right now (the asset is presently trading for about $55,000 per unit – roughly $8,000 less than where it was two weeks ago), the currency has managed to maintain a certain level of bullish activity, thereby making it one of the top financial tools of the past two years. Now, a price model for bitcoin known as the stock-to-flow model is suggesting that the currency could hit...
Read More »Sebastian Siemiatkowski: Investors May Arrive Too Late to the BTC Party
Sebastian Siemiatkowski – the CEO and co-founder of Swedish fintech company Klarna – is worried that people do not have enough education before jumping into the world of bitcoin investing. Sebastian Siemiatkowski: Education Is Key Investing can be fun and prosperous. It can also lead into a downtrend of sorts granted one does not know what they are doing before jumping in headfirst, which is arguably what has happened a lot with bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Many...
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