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Banks Are Helping People to Buy Bitcoin

It looks like bitcoin’s status as a “safe haven” asset is no longer being questioned. After weeks of people wondering whether bitcoin could sustain a person’s wealth during times of economic strife, the token is finally starting to earn a little bit of respect and attention.More Bitcoin Buying Opportunities Are EmergingMany banks and financial institutions abroad claim to be offering new methods of purchasing bitcoin and assorted cryptocurrencies to be added to users’ portfolios, and buying...

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Crypto & Coronavirus: How Is The Industry Affected By The Emerging Financial Crisis? Experts Pitch In (Exclusive)

The novel coronavirus took the world by a storm like lightning from a clear sky. In a little more than a few months, over 200,000 people from across the globe got infected, while the death count continues to rise.This urged governments to take immediate action, and it feels as if the whole world is under quarantine. Naturally, the fear of the unknown and how far it could go caused a lot of turmoil in the financial and stock markets.Companies are feeling the impact of the virus as major...

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S&P 500 Could Get Back to Record Highs in 2021, JPMorgan Chase Says

JPMorgan’s chief U.S. equity strategist thinks that the S&P 500 could return to record highs by early next year if the U.S. policy of efficiently containing the coronavirus outbreak works and the government rapidly moves forward with fiscal stimulus.Last week was pretty damaging for the U.S. markets even though they had a day of positivity. However, they ended the week in the red. Just for reminder, U.S. stocks finished the session on Friday following predictions from Goldman Sachs on...

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Is Bitcoin Going Up Due to an Influx of Tether?

Bitcoin is currently trading in the mid-$6,000 range. While it had expanded all the way to $6,800 during today’s early morning hours, it appears to have settled down a bit and taken a comfortable seat at around $6,400 during the time of writing.Bitcoin Has Seemingly Recovered SomewhatBitcoin is not alone in its present ascension. The currency is joined by the likes of Ethereum, Ripple and bitcoin cash, all of which have spiked by as much as 22 percent in the last 48 hours. The crypto downfall...

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Interesse an Bitcoin deutlich gestiegen

Während der Bitcoin Kurs durch die Corona-Krise massiv gesunken ist, konnte das Interesse am BTC sogar zunehmen. Entgegen der Kursbewegung gibt es viele Gründe, die für Bitcoin sprechen.Bitcoin News: Interesse an Bitcoin deutlich gestiegenÜber Baidu sind die Suchanfragen für Bitcoin auf 183% innerhalb der letzten 30 Tage gestiegen. Und auch Google Trends sah einen Anstieg der BTC-Anfragen. Gleichzeitig ist das Interesse an Altcoins nicht signifikant nach oben gegangen.Die Hauptgründe sind...

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Bitcoin Halving Delayed? Following Recent Bitcoin Sell-Off, Average Block Time Increased To 14 Minutes

The latest steep declines in Bitcoin’s price have pushed miners to switch off some of their equipment to reduce costs. Consequently, this slowed down the average daily block time by as much as 70%.Miners’ Response To The Price DropMiners are the backbone of Bitcoin and any other Proof-of-Work-based cryptocurrency. They create new bitcoins by using hardware to solve complicated computer equations. The miner who solves them the fastest receives the reward (fee) for the transaction, which he...

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Was der Coronavirus für die Tourismusbranche bedeutet

Stornierte Flüge, verwaiste Skigebiete, nahezu leere Züge und vor allem eine ganze Menge Fragen – die Folgen der Corona-Pandemie halten nicht nur die Gesellschaft an sich, sondern aktuell vor allem die Tourismusbranche in Atem. Bei täglich neuen Entwicklungen fällt es schwer, den Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Maßnahmen zu behalten. Gerade zum Start der Reisesaison stellt die aktuelle Situation auch viele Urlauber mitunter vor so manches Rätsel. Was, wenn man zum...

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Coronavirus Financial Crisis: How Can You Tell It’s Over? The Two Must-Meet Conditions

Efforts to contain the coronavirus pandemic have erupted into a disastrous and panicked shutdown of the economy by Western governments. The term “Marshall Law” (correct spelling: “Martial Law”) trended on Twitter last weekend. While many scoffed at this characterization of coronavirus containment efforts, it’s not entirely off base.In New York City, police can arrest bar and restaurant owners if they remain open. That’s to stay compliant with the mayor’s strict executive order to lock down...

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Ethereum Price Analysis: ETH Recovery Postponed As It Falls Below $130

Ethereum dropped by a steep 13% over the past 24 hours as it falls beneath $130.The cryptocurrency failed to overcome strong resistance at $135, which caused it to roll over and fall.Against Bitcoin, ETH is struggling as it posted a fresh low for March at around 0.0203 BTC.Key Support & Resistance LevelsETH/USD:Support: $120, $110, $105.Resistance:$135, $150, $165.ETH/BTC:Support: 0.021 BTC, 0.0204 BTC, 0.02 BTC.Resistance: 0.0215 BTC, 0.022 BTC, 0.0225 BTC.ETH/USD: ETH Drops Back Into...

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Blockchain Technology is Advancing Rapidly, the Next Bitcoin is the SAKT!

Place/Date: - March 21st, 2020 at 11:47 am UTC · 5 min read Contact: Selina, Source: Coinbte The first blockchain officially produced Bitcoin on January 3, 2009, with a peak period of $19,000/Bitcoin, and a global multi-currency trading market with a daily trading volume of $10 billion. Endless trading, market volatility is very large, without political organization intervention, from the BTC derived a variety of blockchain. Blockchain three key technical ideas are: consensus mechanism,...

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