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Bitcoin (BTC)

Peter McCormack, Host of “What Bitcoin Did,” Discusses What Makes a Good Podcast

Crypto podcaster Peter McCormack has been offering the show “What Bitcoin Did” to listeners for the past two years. The program is doing quite well, having garnered more than $29,000 in income and more than 200,000 downloads last August alone, but McCormack says that his journey towards success has been a rough one.McCormack: Here’s What Makes a Good PodcastIn a recent interview, McCormack says what his job schedule typically requires: I work like 80 hours a week. I’ve flown all around the...

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Craig Wright and Ira Kleiman Enter Settlement Discussions

Last month, a judge ordered Craig Wright to turn over 50% of the bitcoin he mined with his former business associate, deceased computer genius Dave Kleiman. | Image: YouTube/BBC Craig Wright and Ira Kleiman have entered settlement discussions, with both parties requesting a 30-day extension of all case deadlines to facilitate negotiations. According to a joint...

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Bitcoin : cent milliards de milliards de hashs par seconde

La puissance de calcul du réseau Bitcoin vient de dépasser les 100 000 000 TH/s, soit une augmentation de 100% en un an seulement. Pour comprendre ce phénomène nous nous sommes tournés vers Sébastien Gouspillou, cofondateur et Président de BigBlock Datacenter, société nantaise qui conçoit et gère à travers le monde des unités dédiées au « minage » [1] de bitcoins : « Après une chute de 30% en décembre 2018 (souvenez-vous, certains nous...

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Jay Clayton: Regulation Is the Answer to Bitcoin’s Problems

Jay Clayton, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) chairman, doesn’t think bitcoin will ever be traded on a major exchange… That is, until serious regulation comes along. Without regulation, BTC, in his mind, will never achieve the mainstream status it so desperately longs for. Clayton: We Need More Rules for BTCAt press time, bitcoin’s primary attempt to become “legit” has suddenly dissipated, with CBOE, VanEck and Solid X withdrawing their bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) from the...

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Arab Bank Switzerland: Eine weitere Schweizer Bank bietet Kunden Bitcoin-Lagerung an

Seit mehr als 50 Jahren verbindet die Arab Bank Switzerland den Schweizer Finanzplatz mit der arabischen Welt. Die Arab Bank Switzerland ist seit jeher eine Brücke zwischen arabischer und westlicher Welt dient und in Zürich sowie Zug zuhause. Wie Swissinfo berichtet, bietet die Arab Bank nun seinen Kunden Zugang zu den beiden bekanntesten Kryptowährungen Bitcoin und Ethereum...

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Warren Buffett has Enough Spare Cash to Buy Two-Thirds of All Existing Bitcoin

Berkshire Hathaway Chairman and legendary investor Warren Buffett could load up on a tidy sum of bitcoins. | Source: REUTERS/Scott Morgan Warren Buffett isn’t much of a bitcoin fan. He’s called it rat poison squared, a gambling device, delusional, and a seashell with no inherent value. But, if he wanted to, he could become the biggest bitcoin whale of them all....

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SEC Chief: You’re ‘Sorely Mistaken’ if You Think Bitcoin’s All Grown Up

Think Bitcoin's ready for prime-time trading on a major stock exchange? SEC Chairman Jay Clayton says you're "sorely mistaken." | Source: REUTERS / Aaron P. Bernstein U.S. Securities and Exchange Chairman Jay Clayton just delivered a rebuke to cryptocurrency backers, alleging that Bitcoin is unlikely to trade on a major US exchange until it's much better regulated....

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Deutschland: Immer mehr Deutsche wandern aus

Bald leere Gassen in Deutschland? Foto: Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Dutschland CC0 Gemeinfrei via Unsplash Immer mehr Deutsche wandern aus. So zumindest steht es in einem zugegeben etwas polemischen Bericht auf Die Elite sieht rot! Jedes Jahr eine Kleinstadt wie Würzburg. Ausgewandert. Eine Statistik auf Statista bestätigt diese These. Die Zahl der Deutschen Auswanderer hat sich in den letzten 3 Jahren mehr als verdoppelt....

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Deutschland: Bundesregierung plant Blockchain-Gesellschaft

Stenografen dokumentieren eine Rede der Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel im Deutschen Bundestag. Foto: CC 3.0 by Tobias Koch, Wikipedia Die Bundesregierung weckt den Anschein, dass Deutschland Vorreiter in Sachen Blockchain und Kryptowährungen werden soll. T3N berichtet, dass es noch im Jahr 2019 Blockchain-Wertpapiere geben soll. Das Bundeskabinett soll die in Berlin von der...

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Bitcoin Price Loses $500 in Minutes to Plunge Under $10K

The past few days have seen the price of Bitcoin hovering above the 20 Moving Average (MA). Following an entire week of consolidation in a tight channel, the price of Bitcoin finally made a move on September 18. Many commentators predicted a downside move and they seem to have been correct all along as BTC lost 5% in an hour.The latest drop has made the crypto to plunge below the psychological $10,000 level to settle in the mid-$9,000 zone. The drop made the token to draw nearer to the 20...

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